I wish to note my upcoming one year banniversary from you-know-where. Many thanks to Malinda's sockpuppets for making it possible.
Does anyone else have an upcoming or belated banniversary?
One year banned? I can do that standing on my head. I've been banned for like 3 years, although it feels more like 3 months.
I am approaching , 2 years that I was banned for, talking about a lovely sale lady at, Paul Stuart.
On Andy's why of the banned, do the original posts remain but, the replies not?
Last edited by Vaclav (2007-12-16 22:21:35)
I thought you were banned for the Triple Tweed -- those suckers couldn't handle that Truth.
Is complaining about your reduced postcount over there a bannable offense?
I've never been banned anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-12-17 01:45:46)
Being banned from Ask Andy About Clothes is easy if you have intelligence, wit, style or a back bone.
I come from a different place...
I found it funny to make them ban me over & over again and yet never to ban me at all.
So much effort on their behalf and all for nought...
Paggs is our Canute.
If I am not mistaken uncle was the correct spelling of Canute - proven to be Cnut
Sorry to be pedantic and all but one feels in this instance it is warranted.
particually when the Americans have a tradition of subtlely changing the spelling of anglo words -although how they could possibly change the spelling of King Cnut - goodness only knows- although with dyslexia - anagrams were never my strong suit.
I was "banned" in April of 2006. April truly is the cruelest month.
Among my last posts were on this thread:
where pags was arguing about something silly, and would send me messages under the guise of "Malinda" before he was outed, "ordering" me to edit or emend my posts.
Why, did he wish, a woman's guise?
Is he, the bearded lady of, fairground fame?
They have yet to find me at AAAC-so no current ban in place.