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#1 2021-10-03 05:32:35

A Fine Sadness
Posts: 3009

Credit Cards, Debt And Other Sob Stories...

Oh yes.  On Ebay, at Russell Street, then a bit on Etsy, then a slice from Newton Street.  It all adds up.  And I'd told them at the bank I was the last person who ought to be entrusted with a plastic card...  A bit more at Chiltern Street...  I had to go - almost - cold turkey...


#2 2021-10-03 05:38:12

A Fine Sadness
Posts: 3009

Re: Credit Cards, Debt And Other Sob Stories...

It wasn't only clothes, either.  I went to a bookshop in Nottingham - AUS will know it - Geoff Blore - and spent the best part of a thousand pounds on books on modern architecture and design.  Had to arrange for a courier to bring them over.


#3 2021-10-03 08:09:05

An Unseen Scene
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 1275

Re: Credit Cards, Debt And Other Sob Stories...

I once bought so much at JS, I turned around and went back to have half refunded. It was a stupid amount and a good lesson. No matter how nice, will it get worn enough or at all?


#4 2021-10-03 08:10:35

An Unseen Scene
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 1275

Re: Credit Cards, Debt And Other Sob Stories...

Books on art, design and architecture I think can be a huge waste of money. I have loads but buy less now.  They can be very expensive but some just sit there.....

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