For some reason I get a daily email from Marrkt which I usually browse through while eating my lunch, there are a few JS items showing up recently, one item that might be of interest is a JS Glen Check Wool Blazer ( UK 40), it's one of the Made in Italy jackets from ( I reckon) the early days at 46CS, all the required Ivy details including a hook vent, looks in very good condition, I've got a navy blazer from that time ( 2011/12) which is a great jacket very well made IMHO, If I was in the market for a check wool blazer I'd snap this up @ £165, There's also a JS white tab collar shirt, I reckon that must also be from the early days at 46CS,
I tried Marks glen check suit jacket on. I have no need for a suit but always fancied a prince of Wales with a blue overcheck( Marks does not have the overcheck). The material is good but I tried various sizes and lengths to see if I could get a perfect fit.
One was OK. So I will bear it in mind in case they have a sale. The suit was not expensive just under £300. Like I say I don't need a suit.
Not looking for an Ivy suit either, a British cut version is fine with me.
Likewise Stax, was just skimming through today and thought the vintage field jackets were a bit peaky for the condition.
Though I did recently pick up a pair of '72 OG-107 pants up, I already have a pair of '62's but they are NOS and fancied a pair of worn ones.
Have a few bits in my watch list, always the discounted stuff mind
I also seem to get a daily email from Marrkt. I'm surprised the JS jacket hasn't been snapped up. It's my size so I was tempted and as Stax says it looks in good condition. I can't justify buying another jacket which would probably remain in the back of the wardrobe.
It's a lovely jacket, wonderful fabric. But the shoulders from the back would stop me from buying it.....whether bad storage on a crap hanger or, as I suspect, a slightly less-than-natural shoulder...
Colin, I thought the shoulder detail as shown from the back was the result of 10 years on a cheap coat hanger sitting at the back of the wardrobe, but you may be right as the jacket is made in Italy and the tailor might have made it to a less than natural shoulder design.
Fit is everything and that makes me reluctant to buy anything online. I usually can't be arsed to return stuff that doesn't come up to the mark.
Colin, Robbie - the shoulder issue has been bothering me ! Today I checked my navy JS jacket which I reckon comes from the same time/manufacturer and the shoulder is 100% natural as far as I can tell, so maybe it's the coat hanger causing the problem !
Today on Marrkt some 'NWT' Vetra jackets in linen, seersucker, cotton all @ £100,
Picked up some Doek CVO’s for £40, barely worn. These Japanese made ones are much closer in quality to the original US made ones.
I would be cautious with Vetra.
Although they're solid value the sizing can be confusing.
At last count I think I had three different sizes of jacket from them.
Based on comments from Stax I decided to buy the JS Glen check jacket after it was reduced to £140. I am a 40 so I hope the jacket fits me. If it doesn't look right I can always send it back but at that price it must be a bargain (assuming it hasn't got moth holes etc.)
' Based on comments from Stax '
I hope you're happy with it Robbie, be sure to give us an update when it arrives, if it's in good nick and the fit is good you will certainly have a bargain,
As an aside I made a schoolboy error this morning..... I had a delivery of a new Gitman shirt and left the delivery note on the side in the bedroom, my Mrs was out at the time, I then went out, she came back a while later and saw the d/note which unfortunately had the price on it, even with a big discount it was to her mind expensive ( £136 down from over £200 ... ), I told her I didn't have ' buyers guilt' as it was bought out of my ebay selling money which was actually true ! I'm not sure she's convinced, haha
Schoolboy error indeed Stax! My missus is not aware of my latest purchase. Yet. I might get some grief when she finds out because I already have a few jackets that I hardly wear. She spends most of her time looking after her mum in Finland but last time she was in England she did a check on my shoe collection (a weakness of mine is buying shoes) and was not exactly enamored with my latest purchases.HaHa.
Is there any way to message sellers on Marrkt? I am wanting to buy something.
It's not like eBay, Marrkt is the seller, they have the item in their warehouse (near York) once it sells the owner gets their share of the sale price.
Ah, now l understand, thanks.
Stax- I'm still in Finland, travelling back to England today. I've arranged for the jacket to be delivered Thursday. I'll let you know. I was impressed as to how quickly Marrkt dealt with my order though. I've got my eye on one or two other items from their site but I notice they sometimes sell items with holes in or stains. Their description of 'good' condition covers a multitude of sins.
The postman delivered my JS Glen Check Jacket from Marrkt a day early.
The jacket is in mint condition and looks like it hasn't been worn before. Fits me perfectly and for £140 an absolute bargain.
Very impressed with the service from Marrkt although the packaging was ripped open (done at the PO?) and replaced with a plastic bag.
All the correct details for the jacket although ,as Colin suggested, the shoulder is perhaps 'less than natural' but looks good on me. I have a bit of a lumpy shoulder anyway from an old broken collarbone injury.
And I reckon my missus will be pleased with my latest purchase (fingers crossed as my body can't take much more physical abuse)
Robbie - glad you're pleased with the jacket, if I still wore a jacket on a regular basis I'd have been in for this one,
There are several JS madras shirts on Marrkt today, around £40, size M,
A tip for anyone thinking of buying from Marrkt..... a jacket came on the site about a week ago that I quite fancied,I’d read somewhere on the site or on an email that sometimes offers would be considered, so I asked the question,they replied very quickly and said we don’t usually do offers but how much was I thinking of offering, the item was priced at £165, I said £125-£130, again they replied quickly and said they’d take £135 and it had now been re-priced on the site, so I went ahead and bought it for £135 , not bad for a jacket with a RRP of £495 which looks hardly worn, let’s see if it fits when it arrives. A lot of stuff on the site goes straight away, anything left seems to hang about, so I think they’ll consider fair offers for maybe items priced over £100.... always worth a try....
Thanks for the tip Stax. I have noticed that items are bought almost immediately, or they hang around for months, unsold. I might try offering a price on clothes I am interested in that don't sell straight away.
Robbie - Just don't tell them it was me who tipped you off !