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#1 2024-04-16 13:16:38

Bright Light
Posts: 1380

In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

They've been on my radar for years, but maybe due to the New York/Tokyo fits I'd never paid much interest (and we all have enough shirts, right?).

But picking up the green long sleeve madras and green uni stripe Graham Marsh ivy shirts I've been really impressed!

Good fabrics, 6 button, no ridiculously oversized collars, back collar button, loads of options.....a real hit.


#2 2024-04-16 16:10:03

Posts: 941

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

In my experience the only challenge with Kamakura is getting the fit just right.

Over the years I have had a few of their shirts and I've found the fit variable.

Also the Japanese appear to have longer arms and narrower necks. The end result is a perfect body fit but too loose across the neck.

But you can't fault the quality, Ivy correct details, size of the collars and more importantly value for money.

I can't think of anyone who comes close to them based on the above criteria.


#3 2024-04-17 05:08:06

Posts: 4227

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

Long arms and narrow neck also applies to Lands End. I am wearing one of their excellent flannel shirts, from the years when they had great colour pattern options.

I sized down as I never button the neck. On the old shirts I now use elasticated arm bands which I previously thought were only for very short lads.

If you are not obsessive about collar size Lands End are unbeatable in the value stakes.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#4 2024-04-17 08:30:53

Bright Light
Posts: 1380

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

Fair point about fit - I found the sleeves on the 16.5 neck madras to be really long, and had to do some pretty hot washes/tumble dries to shrink the length a bit...

...which caught me by surprise given sleeves tend to be too short for me!

But a solidly priced, well made shirt, with great details and lots of fabrics and colour options.


#5 2024-04-17 16:38:26

Posts: 377

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

I bought a couple of New York fits when the Graham Marsh Vintage Ivy line first came out and they were superb.
However I bought some more recently  (from All Blues in Leeds) and I found that the cut had altered and gone towards slim fit, so I sent them back.


#6 2025-03-24 23:23:38

Posts: 116

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

Has anyone here tried the Take Ivy 5 pockets pants or jeans?


#7 2025-03-25 01:38:12

Posts: 815

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

I can give a thumbs up to the Kamakura 5 pockets, I bought direct from them and in doing so took a bit of a chance on the sizing, but I’d say the fit is true, however as they offer odd sizing next time I’d go for a 33??  rather than 32?? , another contributor here said he went up a full size, obviously buying from All Blues is a safer option re any returns, I’m hoping they come up with some 5 pocket cords,


#8 2025-03-26 13:27:13

Posts: 116

Re: In praise of Kamakura ivy shirts

Much appreciated Stax.


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