Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-01-18 15:38:42)
"Look at me!
know what you see?
You see a bad mutha"
Day in the life of an outlaw: Today, I wore my Edward Green Newbury shoes, in burnt pine on the 888 last, and one shoe was laced UNDER the eyelets while the other shoe was laced OVER the eyelets. I could just feel the terror in the air.
some of my favourite hard man sayings:
Titter ye not- I don`t think you are taking my threats of bodily violence seriousley you slag.
Your`e naughty but I like you-Honour amongst thieves.
What is the hardest overcoat?
Velvet collar
Covert coat
Pea coat
Polo coat
British warm
Donkey Jacket
Fishtail Parka
"Ere , stop Messin` about"- c`mon you shower of shit fuckin` get on with it before the filth get `ere.
Oooooo Betty - derrogatory phrase for a hardman being petulant.
Ooooo Matron- a phrase of respect for a hard man further up the pecking order than oneself.
Give us a sniff of yer poppers Everard
Everard being a common nickname for the hardest bastard in any group of geezers.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-01-19 17:24:42)
Is chewing- gum in a carefree and nonchalant manner hard?
If so which brand - Wrigleys -Orbit -Bazooka Joe.
Although personally I would imagine wrigleys Juicy fruit aint hard.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-01-19 17:25:04)
`Ere you betta watch your mouth or I`m gonna` give you a Damm good fisting.
steady there me old china - carry on like that and yer gonna end up with me plums in yer gob.
Both warnings- to be careful how one would speak to a fellow hardman.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-01-19 17:23:42)
Offering stolen goods to a punter:
'I bet you prefer your shopping delivered round the back entrance'
'Ere, you call me a brown hatter again an' you'll get yer shirt lifted.
A warning similar to above.
Last edited by borace (2008-01-19 17:32:00)
I think Panzer is really "hard."
Dammit - I forgot to post under my other username. Awkward.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-01-19 22:54:13)