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#1 2008-01-22 21:40:50

From: The Sticks
Posts: 1306

Anent these Young Fogeys

So, I've just managed to get my grubby American mits on a copy of The Young Fogey Handbook.  I've been curious about it since my dear but brutally unflattering mother has always described me that way without using those precise terms and without being aware that such a thing existed.

The read was quick and easy.  I quickly grasped the salient differences in taste and preference between the YF's and Sloanes per Barr and York.  The crucial one, however, seems to be that Sloanes were (are?) who they were born and brought up to be while the Fogeys were (are?  The Chap is in circulation.) affecting the whole thing.  The Sloanes were simply playing out their destiny based on their class and hundreds of years of their class's preferences.  The YFH, however, goes to great pains to stress the middle-class suburban or lower-class urban backgrounds of Fogeys.  If we read into them through Jilly Cooper or Kate Fox, they seem to bear middle-middle markers at the top end.  In light of this, their inclinations to all of the stodgy conservatism seem a bit manufactured.

I understand that my only direct references are satire, but they are what I have.  Am I on the mark or a wildly off-base Yank?


#2 2008-01-23 01:16:00

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Anent these Young Fogeys


#3 2008-01-23 01:26:53

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: Anent these Young Fogeys

Why in both the above posts are there so many mentions of Young Farmers (YF)- I am a former member of my local Young Farmers association - and I can assure you there was no focus on fripperys such as clothes , class or posturing - it was the important things that counted such as drinking and shagging.



... ... ...


#4 2008-01-23 01:53:11

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Anent these Young Fogeys


#5 2008-01-23 12:00:04

Posts: 228

Re: Anent these Young Fogeys

Which reminds me, when is this year's Collection of Sartorial Entrepreneurship?


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