... OK...
... So maybe I tease & I taunt & I rant and I froth at the mouth, rolling my eyes in epileptic fury for the audience a little too much... - You and I both know the rules of showbiz & we both have a lot of fun on the Net. ...
I'd love a chat.
Styleforum or here?
My interest is in how you perceive AAAT "Trad" & what it means to you.
I'm guessing that this style was new to you pre-AAAT. No shame in that. You have more "right" to wear this look as an American than I do as a Londoner.
Your early posts showed an interest in social class - Which is a big part of the perception of "Trad" on the MBs.
These days you are more jokey & relaxed which I like.
So how are you doing?
Happy with things?
How would you like to see "Trad" progress?
It's all good. The more different aspects of this style we see the better. I've got room for everyone.
Feeling talkative?
Best -
- Do PM if you don't want your name on this forum.
Last edited by Horace (2008-01-27 05:26:08)
I'll go hunt for the original. If I emailed it to any of you (And I remember spamming quite a few with it) you might find it before me.
One from The Squire from the same J.Press AAAT thread as above (post 37):
"Aspirational?—no stones cast by me. One might even argue that has been my definition of trad all along--a certain lifestyle manifest in clothing. What really frustrates me are those uptight self-appointed Custodians of Ivy dead-set on slapping awake the numb and sluggish (me) all the while failing to realize their shared lifestyle (Trad) is represented slightly different in my neck of the woods."
Again, lots to talk about there if the Squire is talkative.
Last edited by David (2008-01-27 05:41:12)
Tony V. - You still got it?
Remember how we laughed at the time?
^ Sorry to not be clear - I'm looking for an unedited copy of a Harris post for Horace where 'Arry, after a period of relative sanity on his behalf, really pushed the boat out, reviving all the aspirational class related stuff he used to spout & belittling all other perspectives on what he calls "Trad".
He posted it on October 12th, I responded to it the same day and the day after that he edited it, toning it down and removing Horace from his criticisms.
It was the original version of post 27 here:
Our amusement was in that I'd pushed his buttons.
I was an email with a cut & paste quote in it. Others got spammed with it too by me at the time. Not really the sort of thing one would keep, but you never know.
Lean, are those spermatozoa in your ava? I always thought they'd make a lovely tie pattern, swimming up to the tie-knot, which would designed like a quivering egg.
It's been too long, my Lord.
Remember The Savoy?
My current avatar is comprised of light bulbs.
Dearest of dear chums:
l don't think Squire is bad ass enough to post over here. He'll always have a jelly belly. He needs toughening up.....he needs to learn how to bust heads. At the moment: if you said "BOO" to ole Squire, he'd run a million miles per hour in the other direction. l wanna see Squire become harder...see him get some balls....see him walk on the wild side abit.
Regards: The Shooman.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-01-28 06:57:00)
Squire will never get banned from a gentlemans clothing message board.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-01-28 07:03:14)
... Clothes themselves aren't aspirational unless the people inside them are.
^^^ I wonder if there is space on the interweb for a Fedora Lounge sort of re-enactment group focused on Ivy League clothing & lifestyle? Wearing old Ivy clothes, for fun and dweebness. Not Andyland as it is today; I mean a group as crazy as the Capones and with a total life bubble approach, right down to historically authentic underwear and handshakes? (Thankfully, firearms were not part of the whole East Coast, Boston Brahmin, Ivy League trust fund thing...)
So Davidjackmiles: shall we start the site?
What should the domain name be?
What activities should we organize?
College sock hops? Greek frat initiations?
Bun throwing at dinner hall banquets?
Seminars on how to cover up socially ackward drinking habits? or Money Problems?
What to do about unwanted pregnancies with socially inferior girls?
How to carry on secret homosexual relationships, without getting ejected from the football team?
Clothing contests?
Most authentically frayed button-down collar?
Chinos with the most incompetent hem job?
Blazer with best placement of worn/shiny areas?
Narrowest repp tie?
I think we may be on to something...
Tony, this sounds great. Will you accept novices? I can do the pledge thing if you like too, Thank You Sir. I have some of the right stuff like inherited silver monogrammed belt buckles and the Brooks tie-back boxers and Bass weejuns. I will need to maybe pickup a second job to get the rest of the kit. I like your idea a lot. Instead of taking over National Parks and battlefields we rent old clubs and hotels or country clubs.
Any women who join, will have to put up with a certain amount of drunken molestation.
But it's for authenticity, right?
... I get the joke, but don't you all find it terribly sad at the same time that its come to this?
America's own home-grown and unique style is reduced to this level of discussion.
... If only that fellow Tagent wanted to join -
He's made of the right stuff.