No. 1 is generally caused by the prevalence of fast and processed foods. They are generally easy, bland, cheap and loaded to the hilt with excess calories and fat. All of these are qualities which make the PWT go nuts for them in huge quantities. I see three-hundred pound+ women all of the time. They just don't look like the one in Fogey's thread. They generally appear to have a second buttocks protruding from the front of their bodies below the stomach.
I always found some of the specimens of Chavic womanhood in London to be strangely compelling.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-01-27 03:12:54)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2008-01-30 11:19:59)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2008-01-30 22:47:54)
^ EG, don't project your own sexual inadequacies and neuroses on us...