lt's true.
I don't think it's strange to use my real name for online forums. So I'm Ed Hill, no matter what.
But, if I wanted to play jokes on my friends at work, or write crazy rants without tipping off who I am in real life, I guess it would make sense to make a separate name.
Ed is that you in the photo?
If so -why so glum sunshine?
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-02-08 09:14:01)
l use my real name.
As most of you know, I use my real name on most fora, except here (because, I am ashamed to admit, I cravenly feared the censure of K-Land). I always felt that if I couldn't put my name to something, I shouldn't say it anyway.
Interestingly, when I started participating in the fora, a number of men immediately recognized who I was because of the (admittedly very circumscribed) glimmering of "celebrity" that I possess.
Ed is that you in the photo?
If so -why so glum sunshine
>> It's me. Maybe I just need a cold beer or a vodka & tonic.
>> Or it's probably that while I'm normally a cheerful fellow, I just photograph rather badly.
Last edited by edhillpr (2008-02-27 10:34:44)