They both look great. Bill's got a nice tie. Noam's got a nice suit and kick ass specs.
Oh, and the debate is interesting as well. has an article on Buckley's speech patterns. He sounds, like George Plimpton, to be almost a parody of a WASP.
Evelyn Waugh put on a phoney voice so much that it stuck too.
These things happen, eh what?
I don't think the Buck as much of a phoney (if at all) as some of you do. I've always thought the accent as real.
And unlike my ol' dear chum, Tony V, approve of the ol' dress code article. But then as my ol' pal 'Arris has always pointed
out, I do have a sliver of that reactionary-cultural-conservatism in me despite my apparently annoying populism.
I thought that Chomsky gave ol' Buck a bit of a beating though -- as evidenced on the Firing Line debate on youtube.
P.S. I just realized that Chomsky had those same "tics" back then, that drive me crazy right now. One gets the sense that he would really rather monologue than have a debate or conversation.
Last edited by Horace (2008-03-01 13:39:06)
Just noticed that Band of Outsiders beat me to the link. Anyway, I think Chommers is as guilty of not letting his opponent get a word in as Buck.
The Buckley/Vidal smackdown is a classic. "Now listen, you queer, you stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered."
Last edited by tripchauncey (2008-03-01 23:29:55)
"Spoken like a true Nazi."
Yeah, he was a stupid hoho.
But I like his Shetlands & Khakis.
I liked Buckley's clothes, and some of his views.
Nice suits and OCBDs. Even the hair would be copied by the Tradlanders.
But I did not agree with WFB on may issues. I mean, he supported radical civil rights legislation in the 1960s, and he all but gave up on the immigration issue. Not to mention, he sold out his many friends on these topics. He was an appeaser. He surrendered.
Did anyone else here attend one of the 'Vile Bodies' meetings in NYC in the late 1980s?
WFB's legacy will be tarnished by the turn the National Review has taken. It is now a worthless rag run by hysterical neocons.
Let's not even mention the fact that they employ Jonah Goldberg...
Last edited by Connemara (2008-03-02 23:14:24)
I was a fairly regular watcher of Firing Line in the late 60s and early 70s. If anyone can track down a video, make of it for what it is worth: The one time I really saw him out debated was when his opponent was Jimmy Hoffa, the presumed late leader of the then powerful Teamsters Union. I kid you not. Hoffa walked all over WFB.
Yeah, whatever happened to Jimmy Hoffa?