Few, if any, jeans at my parish- Phew! Even the young'uns dress up. More so at the Tridentine rite than the N.O. Good article.
Last edited by yachtie (2008-03-11 22:33:10)
When I had my dogs, I would not infrequently walk them past two nearby churches--one Protestant (UCC/Congregational) and one RC--as the faithful were coming and going. The Protestants were much better dressed--blazer and open-necked shirt were common men's attire--than the RC men, who more often than not wore shorts, sandals, sneakers and the like. Given the Roman Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation and the Real Presence, one would have thought the Catholics would be the ones better turned out since they believe they are in the actual, physical presence of the Living Christ, as the article points out.
Marc, where you find all these interesting articles never ceases to amaze me!
And to think, Catholic women used to be obligated to wear a veil and mantilla in church.