Hi guys, I'm 5 foot 4 tall. Would a DB suit make me appear taller than I actually am?
If it is cut proper, a double breasted jacket can suit anyone.
This caught my eye as via the Peacoat I've started looking at DB overcoats as an idea for next Autumn. I'm after something Tweedy...
Apart from the classic Trenchcoat the Peacoat is the only other double breasted item I've ever worn. The rest of the time I've lived in SBs.
(And I'm 5'11" if I stand up straight which I never do, btw)
I've no interest in looking taller like the OP here, but I do find that after a lifetime of not liking the DB style I am now starting to warm to it. It seems more expansive and 'luxe' to me for an overcoat.
What are your thoughts on the DB style compared to the SB?
A DB suit may still not be for me, but as an overcoat I like the lack of my usual "hard" pared-down aesthetic about the thing.
DB overcoats seem 'richer' to me somehow.
What are your thoughts on this?
Thanks -
I'm the same height as the OP. My working theory is that the cut and fit of the suit--however it's configured--will matter much more than anything else. For what it's worth, Mariano Rubinacci was quite enthusiastic about doing a double-breasted suit for me.
Never mind the photo guys
I like DB suits. Don't know if they make you look taller but they make you look more elegant, prosperous, individual? Good enough?
One of the smartest suits I ever saw - years ago - was a slim-cut mid-grey DB on a bloke of about my stature (5'5", 130 lbs) - BUT you need good bearing and posture. It is impossible to skulk and slouch in a DB.
^ You don't have to make personal comments about me, Moose.
Weller's Herringbone Tweed DB overcoat (was it?) has been on my mind prompted by all those lovely Polo coat shots here from FNB & Tony V. & Co..
I'm not after that Prince Charles thing, but something that says hip & tasteful. Maybe with a Smedley underneath & a Cashmere scarf. Soho Luxe. A coat to give to the pretty girl (not the other one) behind the counter at The Groucho.
As I age I'm feeling the need for that Charlie Watts touch...