Pages: 1
Last edited by Soph (2006-05-13 19:46:34)
Nice knot.
Nice break.
What's not to like?
I'm still in the archives...
... And I still like these!
The tie may be a Grenadine and not just a tightly-knited knit tie but the knot and the way the tie folds remains very good to my eyes.
Down with the NetGent's dimple!
- Too studied and too much a forumite's touch.
This knot has far more class and style to my eyes.
How 'bout you?
i like it although i don't know how to know it that way. btw, what do you guys think is the opening of a mid atlantic trouser? 15?
Forget the double dimple: too try hard and fussy. But a single dimple is o.k (doesn't look so studied) when you can be bothered farta*sing around.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-03-12 05:50:25)
Well, as an avowed double- and triple- dimpler (or a shirrer, if you will), a double dimple is no guarantee of naturality: it can be executed in as anal a way as a single dimple. There's an - otherwise passably dapper - engineer who works with me who does the double dimple with such painstaking symmetry that I feel like going over and making his knot crooked just to piss him off.
FTR, grenadines and such naturally tend to break into single dimples. For mutliple dimples, you need a wider tie but a lighter lining. Traditional unlined seven folds work best.
ETA: I believe that Flusser, whose otherwise neat prose endures the occasional spell of facile adjectival turgidity, was going for cheap alliteration there.
Last edited by flannel (2008-03-12 07:37:36)
Interesting points, Flanny (if I may).
And the thought occurs that what if one produced the perfect tie knot by accident? To the rest of the world it would look studied, but only you would know it was purely the result of random chance.
It's a minefield, isn't it?
Best -
Was it not that quintessential obsessive freak, GB Brummel, who summarised it all in that line of his about it taking him hours to tie his bootlaces and still make it look as if it were an impromptu act?
I may misremember the quote a bit...
Brummel, of course, had sod all to do with his day (except court young Liz Taylor), whereas we are all quite busier nowadays (well, except Scotty maybe) so I would offer this: all it takes to make it look as if it only took you a minute should be a minute.
Flannel, old Zen master.
^ You are very wise.
I'd subscribe to that.
I is the new Mantoni
Every forum needs one!
Pages: 1