I think it's an American influenced in some details.
Like the loafers with light-colored socks.
(See also my thread on Lord Hesketh.)
John Cleese looks like my father - only John Cleese is funnier
Yes, it's a very showbiz, US influenced take on English country style.
Jonathan Miller does the US-influence-on-classic-English-style thing much better IMO.
Ok I'll play dumb American, who is Ronnie?
they used to have a show on PBS: the two Ronnies, Ronnie Corbett was one and I want to say Ronnie Barker (but maybe that is wrong). They were funny even to me. A throwback in the 1980s, they seemed like two Bob Hopes. But I guess that was all the same school. classic funny people. Just ask Woody Allen who his hero was. But even that dates me today but I think you can trace the lines to the popular peope today if you try hard.
Who was that other guy in the 1980s who had all the girls who always lost there drawers..... Benny Hill. Classic Vaudeville. an english comedian who touched an old classic vein. another throwback with naked saucy girls on TV. I remeber when he invaded America for the first time on channel 9. two years latter they chopped out the naked parts. we remain a land of Puritans. just ask Eliott Spitzer.