I like shorts in different styles and lighter fabrics than long trousers - last year I managed to pick up 3 pairs of absolutely featherweight tartan/checked bermudas. Handy is also a pair of navy 'microfibre' shorts I got for rowing - dry in 5 minutes after you've been in the water.
Very thin chinos can also be rolled up, shirt sleeve style. You can always roll them down when the wind gets a bit mean.
Last edited by Moose Maclennan (2008-03-12 02:56:47)
Where is my old pal cheeky?
for Russell:
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-03-13 07:16:26)
I am part way through watching a PBS program, a film from a Chinese scriptwriter.
He raises a funny question: why is everyone always trying to leave?
I think it has more layers, than even he is aware. It's a good question to think about.
And in fairness to all those non- Ivy League guys wearing Ivy, I still don't buy that all of you are aspirational nobodies like another forum would have one believe.
It's just too dumb a theory.
Yeah, we get it - Some on AAAT are aspirational. It still doesn't mean that everybody who ever donned a BD & a Sack was.
Your problems are your problems, guys. We don't need them projected across a whole genre of clothing.
It's aspirational for me and I admit it, how's that?