We are a manufactory for (mirror image) desinger replica Handbags, wallets, Belts, Footwear, watches of LV (Louis Vuitton), GUCCI, FENDI, CHANEL, Chloe, Christian Dior... etc brands.
Reasons for choosing us:
1. Unbeatable price with highest grade quality(quality guaranteed the best!)
2. Safe transportation world-wide
3. Fast delivery
4. Low shipping freight
5. Perfect customer services
Address : Rm1202 , No 985 Ren Min Road, Guangzhou Guangdong 510090 China
Please don't hesitate to contact with us for further information.
I have to say that I admire this no end:
"We are a manufactory for (mirror image) desinger replica Handbags, ..."
I, in turn, am an author of (mirror image) masterpiece plagiarist sonnets -
"Shall I compare ya to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds really mess up the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date."
Now you tell me why you should buy my stuff - Apart from the fact that I'm cheap.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-03-23 10:52:54)
Mirror image footwear sounds like a painful proposition... and mirror image watches a little bit confusing.
... All this is stuff nowhere near derisive enough -
Hey, Joan -
Tell us about all the children in the sweatshops who make your handbags?
Ya pay them more than Surgical appliance does?
Don't mean to pile on the lady, but isn't "designer replica" a euphemism for counterfeit?
is, it crime, for her to be here?
if so I want, no party.
i'd like to have mirror image specs instead of my normal ones. wonder what the world would look like?