About 2 months ago, I was banned by Ask Andy without a reason. I understand Andy to be a reporter and writes articles for high profile , fashion magazines and newspapers. Being a reporter, Andy is protected under the freedom of press to report the news fair without bias and to freely express his opinions ( Andy's art of expressing his opinions in a commentary ). However, I dont understand why I was banned for expressing my art in Ask Andy. I understand Ask Andy is Andy's blog and he can do whatever he wants, but if Andy is a reporter I would sense a little more understanding for my plight to introduce innovative styling in menswear and my right to express my art. I am not showing a crazy graphic t-shirt or a new label blue jean. I am showing the most innovative collection of menswear in fashion history. Sure, they are different and it may take a while to digest the different looks but you are seeing the future. Rather than write an article about perhaps the most innovative designer in american menswear history, Andy banned my art thus censoring news to the general public that may be interested in the future of fashion. Is is me or doesnt Andy understand the future of fashion and the value of wearing different?
I think Andy has a few birdies wispering in his ear? Alex and Jonathan have been my biggest critics and I think they both realize their dinosaur theories of menswear is being challenged. These 2 designers say I am crazy, but I think they are stunned how fast Eric Glennie the designer blew by them and how far they are in my rear view mirror.
Since I am banned at Ask Andy , I cannot talk to these gentlemen. Please come over to Film Noir and let me know why you banned menswear innovation and censored its innovator.
Thanks Film Noir for keepin my voice open. I posted my unique butterfly collars and a couple new necktie knots last nite on my website www.ericglennie.com . As always. Love to hear your comments.
Last edited by eric glennie (2008-03-27 10:07:35)
How jolly exciting, I have an opportunity to chat with a radical.
Do you design anything for ladies, Eric?
If you actually expect Kabbaz to show up on this forum to vindicate his behavior toward you, don't hold your breath, Eric.
I must say I couldn't comprehend the rationale for banning you either. Such capricious tyranny is why I, for one, no longer participate in Ask Cruiser About Clothes.
Is there a design for boxer shorts with a fly that doesn't gap? I don't count those stupid ones with buttons. LOL just kidding my friend. i'm glad your here. time for new things, new designs.
I'll be honest. I don't like your stuff at all. You've got an ego on overdrive. At the same time, I've not seen you do anything other than argue your point within the bounds of civility. Fair's fair and I don't see the point of bannings when there are disagreements carried on in civil fashion.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-03-27 10:48:13)
In my experience, getting banned from that place is a lot harder than it seems.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-03-27 11:09:20)
Thats a real shame Eric, but with your enthusiasm I am sure success is just around the corner.
Do I think you are spamming?
No, not at all I see it as you putting your message and designs out there with the resources available to you.
The person you should really speak to as far as marketing your products is, sweet, sweet James ( he posts as Russell street here and at SF)
Keep me informed how it goes.
Grace x
Hello Eric,
Interesting website. Although I'm more of a traditionalist, I realise that changes are bound to happen as clothing evolves, and some of them may as well be from you. Statistically there will be more hits than misses with this kind of innovation, but you have my best wishes. I don't know the particular circumstances surrounding your banning, but from the experience of my own banning there, and those of friends and sockpuppets, I am inclined to believe whatever conspiracy you offer.
Having been banned from several forum, I will say that the patterrn of behavior is anything but unusual.
My wife was banned from a parenting forum for no reason we can discern, other than speculating about the jealousy of one of the moderators (hard to believe).
Whenever I witness these episodes, I am always reminded of the mad dictator in Woody Allen's Bananas, who insists poeple wear their undergarments over their outergarments, so that the police may check that they are changed every few hours or so (actually, the example is fitting for AAAT, although the innovative approach is more in keeping with your ideas of style than Andy's - perhaps if you could propose trousers with see-through scalloping at the crotch...).
While Andy and Kabbaz are a bunch of self-congratulating pompous fascists, I remain instinctively wary of anyone who characterizes their lot in life as 'my plight' and 'expressing my art'.
... OK - How too sell Eric:
For a start -
Make it less about your personality & more about your products. Bring your personality out later as a branding tool.
Have fewer products & present them better.
Give them names and a presentation to appeal to your target market. Decide what that market is.
Create a world for people to buy into - What is the EG man or woman like? Where do they eat? Where do they live? Do this to the point of absurdity - What is the EG man's favourite film? etc. This always works.
Mostly you must decide what the EG brand is. Are you cutting edge or a part of the ongoing continuity of American menswear? Have you gone back to the future or are you presenting the future to us today? (Both tricks work - Lauren did the first, Cardin did the second.)
Stop playing the integrity card in business - That is an affectation for later on when you want social acceptablity. For now build your brand & make money.
The rest will follow if you play the game according to the game's rules.
Do what you hate & be a whore.
That's capitalism.
Last edited by eric glennie (2008-03-28 07:55:31)