Sorry to rehash an old thread but I wanted to ask a question.
Having my bases covered with corduroy jackets, I had a thought that gray would be a nice color to have. Gray seems to be a nice neutral backdrop for repp ties, etc. as I always go for my gray herringbone tweed. Why not gray cord for a change?
Any thoughts? Are cord blazers in gray even made RTW? Thanks.
Last edited by shuman (2008-03-30 06:12:51)
I have a pair of charcoal cord pants that look just fine to me. I say, go for it.
And here i've been doing it wrong all these years...
For whatever reason, I think a grey herringbone tweed looks good with khakis, but maybe thats just me. Thats what makes the world go 'round...
To inject a totally banal comment, corduroy sport jackets tend to make me think of a legal services guy I know. Wears them frequently or, in the alternative, some sort of tweed. He's really sort of the spitting image of the ex-hippie (not sure he's actually quite old enough to claim that, though) gone to law school. Does the grubby, lefty, semi-professorial law thing perfectly. Shabby dresser. Good guy and a good lawyer. I recently saw him in a grey pin-striped suit. I accused him of going corporate. He told me that I was still first to go when the revolution comes.