A good idea?
The place to answer any questions once and for all that have haunted the MBs.
One question: one definitive answer.
This is only good housekeeping. A chance to clear the decks & move on.
I will answer any "Trad" questions and also any questions relating to pyramids of anything.
Others will field other issues.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-04-02 09:21:27)
You love new threads, don't you Uncle? You have won the "most new threads" sweepstakes for certain!
is th true meaning of life 42?
I am working, slowly, re-embracing my Trad roots. I'm going to deluge Uncuh Jack with the ol' Class business until he's sick.
Can anyone be Trad? or is it 'restricted' to a certain class or ethnic group. Surely 'those people' can't be Trad ( i think i might actually be one of 'those people' - goodness gracious me)