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#1 2008-04-12 00:07:59

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Death Of The Grown-Up

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#2 2008-04-12 03:19:53

Posts: 6433

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

good video.

rest of message (political polemic) cut out in the interest of, er "fora" harmony.

Last edited by Horace (2008-04-12 03:24:12)

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#3 2008-04-14 07:09:12

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up


#4 2008-04-14 07:49:26

Admiral Cod
Posts: 412

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

Good link.  The author links the 'death of the grown up' to, among other things, decline in dress standards, contraception, racial integration, feminism, that began in the 1950s.

"You will find that men of style and their adherents are considered either political enemies of the people or reckless, gluttoness consumers while most live in squalor" - FNB


#5 2008-04-14 07:55:46

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up


#6 2008-04-14 12:12:53

From: old trolls home
Posts: 500

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

the porblem isnt that grown ups have died orf, its that grown ups dress like kids but still act like grown ups. its very depressing for gomie...if ya wanna be a kid, then go all the way i say smile


#7 2008-04-14 17:07:30

Posts: 1192

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

Last edited by Coolidge (2008-04-14 17:16:18)


#8 2008-04-14 17:43:23

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

Okay I didn't watch the videos yet (work has been busy lately). I just posted in response to the Admiral's list, which seemed like the usual laundry list of woes from the Springerchange.


I think you are too young to call yourself a "conservative".

It's too limiting, intellectually, and it's a false thing anyway since most smart people have viewpoints which are too inconsistent and contradictory to fit into categories.


#9 2008-04-14 18:47:15

Posts: 1192

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up


#10 2008-04-15 06:46:56

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up


#11 2008-04-15 08:03:00

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up


#12 2008-04-15 09:39:08

Admiral Cod
Posts: 412

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

"You will find that men of style and their adherents are considered either political enemies of the people or reckless, gluttoness consumers while most live in squalor" - FNB


#13 2008-04-15 09:49:21

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

Hmm, the interviewer is a Bill O'Reilly favorite and the new face of facism; female, pretty, and unassailably non-white but no less tight fisted along the lines of everyone should be chewing glass. O'Reilly fawns over her as he does several other attractive females. I cant fault him for that but I am very disappointed with a man who used to break great stories until he became too intoxicated by his stardom and became product.

People spend a lot of time analyzing the things that bother them or they find problematic and examine the local causes but not the global ones. For example, I saw a news show with these stuffy, no fun fuddy duddies all declaiming under age drinking in college as a massive problem. they condemned teenage behavior as deplorable without examining the top end causes for it, including but not limited to not providing jobs for them and using them shamelessly which one would think begets a desire to escape. How dare you want to escape your lousy life/world/future? Not one of the talking heads brought up possible causes, they just assumed that youth was bad and out of control. I suppose that's typical news fear factor froth but I couldnt fault anyone seeing these hypocritically stupid people on the program from wanting to intoxicate themselves for days on end.


#14 2008-04-15 10:21:40

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up


#15 2008-04-15 13:45:15

Posts: 228

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

Wonderful thread. In fat times people have the luxury of not graduating to 'grown-ups' - the lewd, tradition-buggering mass market culture considers the kind of sober individualism associated with adulthood to be anathama. And so it sustains a cadre of heroes with its own characteristics: vapid, callow, witless, airbrushed adbots, squeaking along in a perpetual post-adolescent twilight. A big sitcom of a civilisation, where shirt-tails are little capes, the news is theatre, and the real American president is indistinguishable from his SNL counterpart.

Last edited by Fogey (2008-04-15 13:50:42)


#16 2008-04-17 03:50:27

Posts: 6433

Re: Death Of The Grown-Up

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


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