... Not that I'm suggesting that my fellow travellers on AAAT are small children sat behind me on an interminable car trip... Not even remotely.
But maybe we are slowly getting there?
'Harris' now talks about "Trad" as a 'big tent'. He never used to.
The posting on AAAT is more & more 'just about the clothes' and not about the mythic 'Trad' lifestyle.
Even Poor Old Bill ('POB' or 'Intrepid') now talks of TNSIL clothes & not lifestyles.
So maybe we are making progress. Unacknowledged progress on any other forum but FNB, but progress still.
We have to give the "Trads" some dignity... Yeah, they knew Jack to start with &, yeah, we've taught them all about the big wide world beyond the OPH...
... And we're not even expecting a thank-you. That wouldn't be the 'Trad' way. 'Trad' is all about clueless Internet bluster after all.
But you have to notice that the FNB crew has widened & improved 'Trad' even if it is only early days.
How soon before the forumite 'Trad' loyalists notice this too?
If they follow 'Harris' with his new "Big Tent for Everyone!" positioning then they won't go far wrong.
My name is Russell Street.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-05-05 04:53:45)
... But I still promote "Trad" & bashing it raises its profile more than any pro-'Trad' stuff does. Maybe I should stop now?
Gomez wins as ever as he's laughing non-stop at all of this. He always has.
My plan to boost the button-down via 'Trad' has its good days & its bad days. And I still do believe that money can be squeezed out of the 'Trad' forum to support the delicious life that I enjoy with parcels of American clothes being flown into me whenever I have the yen ( - Such a funny expression when one thinks of J. Press...).
I'm easy.
Cut the 'Trads' loose do you think?
Let them off the hook?
Just laugh at them & not try to help them & my beloved Classic American clothing cause?
You may be right.
Worth a poll?
I roll this way:
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-05-05 13:17:52)
Maybe this is the way forward -
I shall make like a Weller and work my work on the hush-hush.
Code name: Avid Badger.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh -
And for Vaclav: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Iz8zZ5YHrkQ&feature=related
Coolidge is right, I believe. I this topic is probably exhausted.
And so it ends?
'Trad' as nothing? A pointless bit of froth on a pointless medium?
I hope at least Mr. Hober sold some ties...
And I'd hoped it "coulda been a contender" !
But the odds were against it from the start.
I shall wait another 20 years and see what's next.
... Fancy a drink while we wait?
'Is', Mike?
'Was', surely?
We are now Post-Trad over here.
(... It's not that I'm hungry, but if I don't get to go to lunch soon & 'ave a drink then I think I might as well turn my back on capitalism. What's the point of business without the business lunches?)
I think Trad will live forever, or at least a generation or two, if nowhere else then in Japan, you know how they like tradition, Trad is not going away