I really like this & have been talking about it quite a bit with various chums today:
'GTH' is Tom Wolfe's coinage and it cropped up in the OPH also. I popped it into AAAT to see what would happen.
... The results were rather mixed.
'WTH' is far more my style & I think far more 'Ivy' and even dare I say 'Trad' than the 'WASPy', 'Preppy' kinda show-off GTH style.
'GTH' has an element of 'Grandstanding' or 'Showboating' which makes me recoil.
I'm a sensitive soul.
'WTH' is much more the ethos of the old, old, old, 'Ivy League' style I think.
So here's to Pat. - And thanks for another new take on our old Classic American style.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-05-08 07:02:13)
Good call, I like that a lot. A politer form of "WTF?" style.
There is also GTF style, but that's a subject for another thread entirely.
'WTH 'is Plimpton in a Slouch Hat, Tweed Jacket, Khakis & Sneakers.
Ivy. Trad. Not Preppy or WASPy.
I wouldn't know old old Ivy if it bit me in theass (Southron here) but I like the concept much better than 'GTH'. GTH seems to include wearing clothes that are situationally inappropriate or obnoxious or showboating. I wear a dark green Press blazer from time to time - seems much more WTH than GTH to me.
I like Patricks` style very much,
I am however -an even bigger fan of those carachters who wear what they choose- and don`t give a damm what others think or seek others approval- very much in the go fuck yourself category -I think.
GFY style?
We need a new forum...
Grace (Mrs M.) -has the most delightful pair of shoes which have high heels and leather thongs that coil around the calfs to fasten- she refers to them as her whore shoes or fuck me shoes ( the terminology for describing them depends upon how many white wine spritzers she has consumed)
I really am an awfully lucky chap.
More from Pat on WTH:
What's interesting to me is that people are now saving their best posts (I'm not speaking necessarily of Patrick's blog), for their blog pages. It's almost a retreat from the AAAT community. Back when AAAC/T started you had "blog-worthy" posts, with all the detail and time and thought (such as they were) put in, on message board posts that are now sadly lost to a malfunctioning archive.
That one pic of that 'orrible tie is not GTH -- it's townie.
'Townie' style?
Worth a post?
We had it in Oxford too...
[I think there has been a migration of sorts-to blogs and some follow up commentary by visiting firemen-
How many blogs?
maybe -6-7 max from the well informed?
-some I guess fall within the "check out my lifestyle(real or imagined -who knows?) but are entertaining as well.
When we say starfish- please dear God not starfish like appear at www.heaven666.org -type starfish in the search box and feel your penis and testicles rise involuntarily into your stomach cavity and stand agog at some peoples depravity- my understanding is that mike has undertaken the procedure.
As for the other content to be found there- no need to thank me for the link -like uncle I am happy to be of service.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-05-09 15:36:44)
Probably a 'Best Of The Blogs' thread would be a good idea now. IMO they really do outstip the Trad forum (See latest on the 'Tucker's Blog' thread here).
We should have a best of the blogs thread, though I guess that can fall into the awesome post of the day thread. I like the idea of a "clipping" service as I can't possibly remember to check each blog regularly. But if someone does and posts links to the good entries, then that's much appreciated. I wonder if blogs don't represent a move away from "fora culture"?