Thanks for you, my friends ,
Horace (Banned, & Banded together), Russel, Terry (T-Bone Trad), Jack, Harmut (vR, of Barvaria), FNB(Fish 4 Downtown), Arnold Horsechack, Bull (Long lost, yet forgotten), Bob The Nudist (Sandy Hook? I'll be the, Harris tweed)-, Tokyo SLim (Where's your, moustard ?), Old Dover Trad, Pussycat's BF (Oysterbar 06, damn, that Lobster Roll was, slammin), EG2 (Canadianianesq), Tripchauncey (remember the, hacky sac for, 5th period), Cubix Rude, & so many without the rooms for mention, dI wish you all to know, you are my heri .
He Hawai`I Au.
My Dear and Distinguished MR Vaclav,
I must dread confess that do not understand the nature your enquiry or commentary. I duly reckon that it might be of such a substance as is comprehensible only to a small clique of Gentleman here, but in any case would consider myself most obliged and honoured were you to further elucidate your meaning.
I remain with respect and fondness, Sirs,
Your most obedient servant,
Theodore Ebeneezer Alphonsus St Bonar, Esquire.