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#1 2008-05-16 10:17:04

Admiral Cod
Posts: 412

Blazer (stores) in the UK

Does any1 remember this store, Blazer? 

There were locations in Covent Garden, King's Road and off Ken High Street.  I recall buying chinos, v-neck sweaters, and a khaki cotton sport coat there in the 80s.  They also offered shaving gear and, I think, shoes.

It had a Hackett-like vibe going on, but by the end of the decade a trendy fashion note started creeping in.  What happened to it, I wonder?


"You will find that men of style and their adherents are considered either political enemies of the people or reckless, gluttoness consumers while most live in squalor" - FNB


#2 2008-05-16 10:28:29

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Blazer (stores) in the UK


#3 2008-05-16 14:10:28

From: Burlington, ON
Posts: 1499

Re: Blazer (stores) in the UK

Unrelated, I should think, but maybe they got the idea from the original:

I've only every bought a couple of casual golf-style shirts from them during their sidewalk sales.


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