well, I have no idea what that means. too many people died in the 20th century because of intolerance. I hope that a lot of people in the 21st century do better.
Maybe this has wandered far from the topic of dress, but maybe it hasn't.
Last edited by tom22 (2008-05-25 21:04:01)
And as non-native I maintain that Ronnie Scott means more in London!
What a thread!!! Thanks Tom.
Well, I hope I haven't so enraged the old fellow that he has departed from our midst. I was rather hoping that my latest riposte would bring him back to consign me, in his inimitable style, to yet deeper rungs of the Nether Regions!
Just a jump!
Tom: I'm rather disappointed in you. You threw down the gauntlet to me, and I was looking forward to a lively and spirited exchange with you. Instead, you have vanished. C'mon, Tom, let's duke it out man to man!
well I rather resent that last remark. I actually do have a life to live.
I'm not sure what i should respond to: but if anyone needs to debate the merits of the British empire, or the the supposed taste of the modern day, shall I say "English" people, the debate will be short. England lost an empire: and left to America every trouble spot in it's death spire.
Harold Macmillan (possibly England's last great man) talked about the Winds of Change. Uh, oh, maybe it was Lord Hume. (maybe there were two decent English men in the last half century). The world has long ago marched on.
Talking about single sex universities today is rather like talking about single race universities 50 years ago. you people are strange and scary.
Horace: I am beginning not to like you.
Last edited by tom22 (2008-05-31 21:51:35)
I guess I have been absent five days. Apparently some of the worst elements on the board missed me. I assure the feeling has not been mutual. I have some slight regret in taking a clothing site in this direction. My only point was that english views of American clothes are worthless. the point remains.
I did not intend to express an opinion on the general subject of Englishmen today. As some have guessed, that opinion would not be a kind one. Admiral Cod seems to be of the opinion that they remain the master race: As Donald Duck used to say: phhhht. phhhht. phhht right in the the Oxford clown's face. Or something like that.
Last edited by tom22 (2008-05-31 21:49:18)
I'm just glad Tom hasn't fallen out with me!
But Tom - If English views on American clothes are worthless then American views on English clothes must also equally be worthless... and then is it too great a leap to make to say that as an American your views on Macmillan & The British Empire must be worthless too?
...And then there are your views on Admiral Cod & captainpreppy which must be worthless again because you do not share their experiences and are therefore not qualified to express an opinion them.
See what a bad argument this is?
The point of a forum is that it is a meeting place, a place to share experiences. Captainpreppy & I (Both Oxford men, but Oh so different!) can tell you things you don't know and you can tell us about your world in return.
I'd never dream of telling you your opinions were worthless. In fact one of the reasons I like your stuff when it crosses over with my experience of England is that you bring fresh eyes to what I take for granted.
My best to you,
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-06-01 02:17:48)
What started as an interesting discussion became really banal Tom. I'm disappointed. Cooley made some good points, which you didn't respond too. I have no idea how you interpreted ol' Capt. Prep as hostile. But you come off as either drunk or one of limited understanding. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and hope for the former. On another note: like many, you have a love/hate with the ol' WASP world don't you? I'm just going to speculate that it was because you were a townie seeing all these self-assured, asshole WASPs attend Yale back in the 60's/70's. You never got over it.
C'mon guys go easy on Tom, he's just saying his piece even if his statements are contradicting. We don't want to be like those other "fora" with the 15-year-old-high-school-kid face scratching and stuff.
^ I think that's a misreading but whatever, I have no horse in this race.
Three weeks ago I was a national treasure. Now I am an old drunk..... and so it goes. I have no interest in debating the merits of american schools going coed. this is about as interesting as debating whether the world is flat. the discussion ended long ago.
Captain preppy; I'm not sure I said the things you claim that I did, but if I did, so be it.
Horace: I'm not sure what your complaint is other than I am an old drunk and don't engage internet flame debates. I suppose you have a point. I just don't know what it is, other than making rather personal claims about someone you may think you know but in fact you do not. I may or may not be an old drunk. You certainly have no way of knowing. The last time I looked the remnant of lible laws in america still exist. and you have no idea whether I am a litigious personality.
Russell St. Thank you. you get the idea. I freely admit I know nothing about English clothes. I certainly will never express an opinion. I loved the time I spent in England. it made me love my country far more than if I had never traveled abroad.