Not too long ago I was talking to Egadfly about the rehabilitation of Harris (putting aside the popular yet still unfounded theory that Egadfly is a Harris sockpuppet)...
I think we both recognised his contribution to Trad & agreed (didn't we, E.? Do correct me on this) that it is the ongoing potential for comedy with Harris that is the biggest obstacle to bringing him back into the fold.
And, yes, I was honest enough to admit that I suffer from this affliction too.
Mention Harris' name and we all have our favourite Harris moments that we like to dwell on and the comedy just writes itself...
So how do we fix this?
The spectrum of Classic/Traditional style has room for everybody, even those who make up their own 'rules' about it all.
Harris is a great salesman & a great Google-er of obscure links. Considered correctly the guy's an asset.
What we aren't going to get from Harris is any explanation of how he was once a Yankee and there was no Trad in the South before Ben Silver and now he is a Southerner and the story is different again. That is just not going to happen.
But what we can do is to work with the chap in some way for the greater good and try to forget his posts from 2004 to date which make no sense or that were stolen from Horace and try to move forward together.
I'm happy to offer the hand of friendship to a new reformed Harris. Shouldn't you too? It would be in keeping with the new more realistic Trad that we see here on FNB and that is also discussed on SF and all the Trad blogs.
Maybe he could be a guest writer for the various blogs? Having a blog of his own would degenerate into fantasy, but if he popped up now and then on the interweb, and wrote a few hundred words on an obscure product or item he would have a lot to say. He needs to be included I think, just not worshipped.
Yeah - Included.
Let the dead bury the dead. I'm just happy to be where we are now.
It's been a funny old road, eh?
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-05-28 07:44:32)
Harris has become no different than the cliche 1-900 girl - sounds great but reality differs starkly from the mental image.
I'd say its time for some pics, but those, too, can be lifted. Forum persona is no more real than reality TV. We're all much safer assuming everyone is unemployed and living at home, relying upon the word vicarious in ways the original creator never intended.
Yes, he should have his own blog.
My mate H. has got himself a lot of hits here.
At 409 hits this thread is just behind yesterday's 'AAAT' thread at 417. The secret is to use the key words Harris/AAAT/Trad in the thread title I've found... It's funny to think that nobody would ever have heard of me if it wasn't for those 3 little words...
Is it fair to blame our good friend Tom22 for 'Russell Street'? Everything does seem to be traceable back to him...
i wonder why the Squire hasn't post any pictures lately - have you scared him off? where's my martini glass it's time to do a cart wheel
^ Our 'arry and Da Squirrel are one and the same, didn't you know?
What is now needed is a new sticky thread: "A Primer on Posters", subtitled AAAATT (As Ask Andy About Trad Turns). In this thread we could list influential forum names (good, bad, and ugly), associated history, and link multiple names if used by the same person. It really should be open to all forums, not just trad, however. I don't recall the village idiot who claimed to work at Au Bon whatever posted on the trad board.
I don't PM with others, and don't spend much time on these boards. But like any, I do find the drama entertaining. For this to be fully enjoyed, one must grasp the whole picture.
BTW, does anyone like my new avatar. I really thought it was the perfect thing for the forum board world. Perhaps better suited to other boards.
Last edited by I Should Be Working (2008-05-29 09:06:28)
^ Good thread idea, but much of that knowledge is secret and I think those in the know would be reluctant to divulge.
The new avatar is good, but as you say more appropriate for other "fora" (although we do tend to throw mud at outsiders, but the monkeys probably throw it at each other).