I wore khakis (with Bass Weejuns) for about two summers in the mid '80s where these with a golf shirt were practically a work uniform for me. I never wore them before that, and I have never worn them since. Late '80s through early '90s I favoured the Kettle Creek Bush pants -- the company has since gone out of business (twice, I think). Now I wear jeans (Levis, Carhartt and Diamond Gusset -- the latter are the best for the motorcycle) or during the summer light coloured casual linen pants rather than chinos.
most of my pants are khakis. my favorite are my bills button fly. i do have 501 button fly- i have a friend who likes to play with the buttons
What of, khaki jeans are they the, best of both, worlds ?
I've never liked khakis...for one I'm not a fan of the color, doesnt look good on me. And they're usually too full cut thru the hip and thighs, tho in the last year I've found a pair from Unis NYC that fit really slim, very jean-like. Which is why I like jeans, the body hugging cut and I just love the look of raw denim with its surface texture and contrast stitching. It just hits all the right buttons, just like every guy has a "type" in a woman that gets him rock hard, it's sort of the same reaction to types of clothes and jeans fit in that category. I don't think I've ever seen a guy wearing khakis that looked better than if he wore a great pair of denim.