Great isn't it?
'86 was a good year too. '88 was the last of the good years IMO - M&S was looming and the style of the catalogues changed. The cover art went to pot as did the interior layouts. Rojo knows what I mean.
Mawicke we miss you.
Boney, Speaking for myself, there are several reasons for this. My blog is clearly a first person enterprise. I pretend to be speaking about lots of stuff but really all I do is talk about myself. This is kind of embarassing so longwing resorts to all sorts of transparent devices to make it look like I'm not completely self centered.
Secondly, saying "I" and "me" all the time is just plain boring.
Finally, in a long sentence it is kind of fun to see how many times I can switch back and forth between first and third person.
Having now given this some thought, I think I'm going to try second person for a while. That aught to be fun.
Boney, I would be very pleased to know that this is the only anoying thing about my blog - oops, your blog.
Those jackets from the ol' Brooks '87 catalog are swell. Nice shoulder (and nice cut in general) on the odd jackets.
I notice the ol' espadrille is featured. Don't tell Will; it might validate his old entry.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-06-30 07:02:35)
On the return of Florsheim Yumas on a Trad Blog:
Although Florsheim discontinued them, J. Simons might still have them in stock. Nice shoes.
Very interesting that Press in New Haven called all this kit Southern.
Darts again I see!
Scroll down to the photos of the slacks. Let's guess which color name has been discontinued....
Now I remember when that name was changed to Niger (as in the river) to get 'round that sticky problem.
Guess the year?
Pretty late, eh?
It was a rich dark Brown which my mother requested as 'nucca' in Peter Jones, Sloane Square, SW1 and she was corrected very gently by the nice man serving.
"We always called it nucca Brown, it didn't mean anything" my mother replied.
The man made an expansive gesture with his hands and got on with the transaction.
Up at them I gazed. Grown ups were funny. I wanted a Walls Funny Face Ice Lolly... I was getting very hot in my corduroy shorts...
I want me a Klan White Shirt, Boy.
Of interest:
This was posted on Modculture, not strictly about clothes but great photos of Vintage Americana:
I really like that - Great find. Thanks!
Much here to like:
And here:
To call something Chinky Yellow seems offensive too. And then there's Person of Pakistani heritage Brown...
What a strange place the past was.
Heavy Tweed Jacket's Blog is on fire right now:
W.O.W. !!!