I have always loved Paul Smith's stuff. He's got a good design aesthetic. I wonder what he means by mid tone sea blue shirts?
nice, thanks for linking that.
Sir paul is def my main man and everytime I read his thoughts it solidifies my opinion of him (as well as having met him and able to chat for a while about stuff non-clothes related)
I esp like his bit about "Manners maketh the man" and who the hell cares about how someone else dresses. That's a pet peeve of mine on clothing forums, when someone starts a thread singling out a celebrity or whoever, just to say "look how bad he is dressed, he's got all 3 buttons on his jacket closed". who the fuck cares.
this bit is obvious but so overlooked..."The most common mistake men make is when they try to go against these things and wear clothes that don't suit their personality"
Nice use of The Sonics for the runway song
Yes, those cycling tops are awesome! Amazing colours... sports wear as pop art designs! They are a fad now and then again and I think it's always a nice for a very fresh casual outfit.... pants-Jersey-s-s-Mens-Vintage-Blue-ID_P1021C1731.cfm
I have posted these before!
But you gotta have the body for that! They are skintight! Typical "sports wear" mod style ca. 1964/65... It was really exciting at the time, worn with tennis shoes or bowling shoes, sometimes with Desert boots and denim trousers...
The extremists might have also worn their cycling shoes for the street... I don't know about cycling pants, though....I guess there was more decency, more propriety at that time...