It seems like, a sack sagging, even more lowly .
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-07-23 23:51:40)
We are indeed the, worsted.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-07-24 05:09:11)
and here i thought this forum was set up to pleasure us
We really should take that road trip that we're always talking about one day.
We could always toss for it?
Who'll be Thelma & who'll be Louise?
I fear that there may not be enough interest in the subject to support 2 message boards and 27 blogs. We have divided, now we must struggle to not implode.
It's the concept or, conception which I, find objectivable.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-07-25 00:25:14)
These things always work themselves out. The success of a Forum depends on the amount of enjoyment that readers get from the forum.
Obviously, this depends totally on the people that choose to read, and post. It seems difficult to impose a format that will please everyone. Some will sample and participate, some will participate and lose interest, and others will determine that it is not for them. Ultimately the "free market" of idea exchange will govern, and determine the complexion of any internet forum. To put the onus on RS to make the forum interesting to all doesn't seem realistic.
Basically, it is up to those that chose to participate to make it what they want.
We'll know in a year or so. No sense early on, to pull up the flowers to see how the roots are growing. Let it mature, naturally.
My guess is that this one will flourish, and ultimately be a gathering place for some that enjoy the dialogue, but not a gathering place for the masses. The things that seem to be initial advantages are:
Early participants seem to be quite knowledgeable about ivy style clothing, and are willing to share their views. No one seems interested in trying to impress others with our backgrounds, etc. So far, it is only about clothes. Mercifully, no posts wanting to know how to acquire a status in life that they aspire to.
Fairly free flow of ideas. People seem to respect others and their views, no flames, and no need for a prison guard atmosphere.
No negativism. No time spent on in depth analysis of every nit wit post on other forums. Enthusiasm and a positive flow of ideas attracts kindred spirits.
My guess is that this one will work well, we will see in about a year. If it doesn't prosper, it will be largely the result of the quality of the input of those that have chosen to participate, early on.
This forum is populated by individuals who are infinitely more educated and conversant with the subject at hand than the AAAC version.Believe me-I participate in both.
I agree, Mr Meyer. I have enjoyed your posts elsewhere, and am delighted that you contribute here.
There are not a lot of people that are interested in Ivy clothing, and even fewer that have knowledge of the subject. Therefore it seems that the few that are in that category will find this an enjoyable experience, over the long haul.
Time will tell.
Nothing at all wrong with snarkiness. However, if a lot of time is spent blasting others that post elsewhere, it seems that the forum quickly becomes comprised of those that are so pathalogically insecure, that they seek a venue where they can denigrate others, to shore up their own image.
Seems to work well, if that's what you want. SF had a douche bag of the month award or some such. Nothing wrong with that, but you will draw a predictable contingent that will determine the culture of the forum.
Plenty out there to find fault with. However, belaboring the shortcomings of others doesn't leave much room to discuss ivy style clothing. As was stated by others, the forum will become what posters want it to become.
I'm sad that two of the posters who contributed so much on the Wardrobe (and on Andyland in a bygone era) seem to have chosen not to post on Talk Ivy. I do hope they both change their minds as I'm sure they would make many more interesting contributions here, building their excellent body of work thusfar.
Chris, it's possible that they don't know of the forum. Would it be appropriate to let them know of it by PM?
Cooley was a valuable contributor at AAAC and the Wardrobe. He's in the middle of preparing for bar exams, and I suspect that he will be back here when that is over. He has always come up with some some great contributions, and this forum will benefit greatly when he returns.
There is a nucleus of some real talent already here. Good dialogue draws like minded contributors. It was a major plus when Patrick started posting recently. There should be more kindred spirits showing up as things mature.
I feel it better to, find a forum for gardening to, post on Ivy styles .