summer is here and it's hot and humid and generally tropical. learning from some of the old men in my life i've started using talc to keep a bit cooler. I use Gold Bond because Johnson n johnson baby powder has this scent i dont like. anyone else use talc? what kind do you use.
(ok so I know this isnt clothing but some of the older guys at the very Ivy athletic club i go to use this stuff and there are sometimes clouds wafting across the locker room - LOL)
Yardley English Lavender. Certainly traditional. Ivy? Who nose!?
Haven't used talc in years, the bloody stuff used to be everywhere.
This for your shoes BTW, or do you just sprinkle some on 'Big Ben'?
In the summer, my shoes get the occasional fumigation with some kind of 'anti-everything' spray. I use it on the dog too, to disinfect tick bites. Great stuff.
Grandad used to use Imperial Leather.
It's a bit difficult to find. However, if you are looking for the old time barbershop talc, there is nothing like Clubman.
Mike, I just checked with They have the talc, if you want it.
well i found some of the clubman talc, smells ok like an old barber shop its true. temps still very hot here and this talc helps keep things cooler
would,nt be without talc , essenital grooming I think, afraid I use the good old johnsons baby talc.
Smell does not bother me.
great for the occasional dance-floor bash which I occassionly dabble in.