God help us all! I hate the sight of the hairy male leg. Unfortunately, it has not been unknown for men to come to work where I am employed in shorts. A particularly unfortunate law of nature is that the most revealing fashions are overwhelmingly adopted by precisely those individuals of either sex who should keep themselves concealed.
Last edited by captainpreppy (2008-07-31 14:27:51)
A conspiracy to make everyone look like a total tosser.
That's sad as F**k, the chap on the left looks emaciated.
Last edited by Voltaire's Other Bastard (2008-07-31 12:57:07)
Next fad: Wearing diapers to work, thus completing the infantilization of male attire.
In the eighties a UK defence contractor in Devon decided that dress codes could be relaxed. Things came to a head when one of the team leaders turned up wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and flip flops. Management blew a gasket and everyone was back in suits in short order.
^ Ahhhh - Good Traditional Argyles!
Last edited by Incroyable (2008-08-04 02:52:54)
l would never wear shorts outside the house. l've always been like that. No-one wants to see ugly hairy legs. They are only good for the beach or around the house on a hot day. l find there is not many quality shoos that go well with dreaded shorts. Wearing them usually makes blokes look foul.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-08-04 03:37:13)
Angus did it first.