Everyone talks about class in this country they just don’t realize it. In the MB community, everyone has a comment about associations for clothes or people wearing them. Class is a hierarchical structure. I’m teaching myself constantly that clothes give off powerful messages and very different ones. The circle I grew up in might love a jacket of mine and people in a different location might laugh me off my feet. Although, i have to admit, in the USA, the concept of beautiful clothes has spread to a wider range of folks even if they don’t wear it themselves and there is strangely a deeper appreciation.
If you read Manton’s book you will find it replete with class associations both upper and lower, both good and bad. This from someone who constantly chased me around calling me a snob on AAAC (I don’t want this one being expanded by anyone, thanks). But it’s clear that though Americans may not like a snob, and may not like an American snob even more because they think they haven’t the right to it, deep down they themselves yearn to be a snob. So it isn’t that you can’t talk about class in the USA, it’s that you cannot make anyone feel you might be from one above them.
It’s interesting that when I’ve tried to wear the most conservative, plainest things people have still marked me for someone who loves clothes. And that one day when I slip and wear a fancy shirt, that’s it, I’m a clothes horse for sure. It doesn’t take much even in midtown Manhattan to get this label.
People who don’t seem to care about clothes seem to remember mine long after I’ve forgotten. It fascinates me as much as it seems to stick in their memories.
So, to sum up, clothes give messages, strong ones. However the messages change from observer to observer and due to modifiers like time, place and manner. It is unwise to pretend that you know all the associations without being positive, the results can be potentially socially or monetarily lethal. To make subjective assumptions that articles of clothing will have on the viewer is likewise a bad idea. I mean if you absolutely don’t care, then go for it. But those circumstances when you do care and think you are going to elicit a positive reaction and are headed for anything but illustrates the point. Is John T. Molloy still around?
So, if I wear a navy 2 button SB suit with a white shirt and a navy tie with white dots and black shoes, to some I’m a pillar of virtue, to others I am an instrument of oppression and to still others I am old fashioned.
Brummell’s overused quip in our community about not being well dressed if people turn to look is probably insincerity on his part or taken out of context. Whatever the case may be, it does not apply anymore. Just like there was a time when being pale and unblemished was the sign of leisure and then being deeply tanned and now being pretty, the rules have now changed for being well dressed. Being well dressed means people notice you and in city endroits which are frequently crowded with people fighting for personal space, rights and respect, your clothes send that message for you, if chosen properly. This is probably why black is returning as a suit color both in solids and as a base color. It tells people to back the blank off. Alternatively it makes you invisible, like one of those Elvin cloaks from LOTRs.
Old Tom22 is at it again. . He's a cantankerous old fool. Probably drunk here. I have certain fondness for him and half-way agree with him. He used to post a lot, along with Harris, on gopreppy.com
Check this out. It'll probably be deleted before too long:
Last edited by Coolidge (2006-06-28 09:23:49)
Tom22's rant. The "exchange" between Manton and Tom22 is interesting.
June 27th, 2006, 18:02
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740 Park Avenue
You might want to take a peek at this book. They very interesting, very gossipy story of what
once th most exclusive address in the world. the building was built in the 20's by Jackie
Bouvier's grandfather. It hit it;s strid eonly when John D. Rockefeller, Jr, decided to abandon
the last castle on Fifth Ave. and moved into the most expensive apartment in NYC. The
developer nver made a fortune and eventually had to sell out in the 50s. The building had its
ups and downs. The later history defined the cachet. In the 50s everyone wanted to move
into a building that a second generation Rockefeller lived in: But by the 21st century:eally
aspires to live next to some trashy fund manager who never did anything in life except beat
Wall Street.
I'm not saying nothing, but no one reaaly cares about a apartment at 740 Park Ave. People
believed in the class of a generation that gavce back everything. No one can possibly desire
to associate with the people who worship the golden calf.
June 27th, 2006, 18:08
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"No one can possibly desire to associate with the people who worship the golden calf."
Thank you,
June 27th, 2006, 18:20
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for what it is worth:
You are welcome.
June 27th, 2006, 18:43
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I actually know a guy who lives there. Great building.
June 27th, 2006, 18:48
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Architecturally, it is a masterpiece. On the inside, at any rate.
June 27th, 2006, 18:59
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Ok, I'm sur eit is very nice, but if you read
the book the majority of the inhabitants wonder how they fill up the space. Why would you
live there instead of some nice place in the country, or by the shore? Why live there next to
a bunch of hedge fund managers? who wants to live next to people who have not much taste,
who didn't fund the opera or the symphony, who have basically pretty boring dinners. this is
the Golden Calf. Worshiped, but worthless. I have more interesting dinner companions in a
week than saul steinburg could have conjured up in a year. 740 Park today may be the least
classy place in NYC, bar none. It is a place that only literide could aspire to.
June 27th, 2006, 19:35
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Oh and Manton: we have had some friendly
discussions about Lord Byron back in the day but I heard you interviewed on NPR this
weekend: was surprised that you wouldn't publish a book under your own name and was
astonished that you write stuff for an Australian midget who made his fortune by publishing
pictures of topless women.
740 Park: the address has long gone. you are writing into the the wrong thread.
June 27th, 2006, 19:46
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740 park avenue
discussion is going down the wrong path.
June 27th, 2006, 20:16
Join Date: June 15th, 2004
Location: New York, USA
Posts: 382
Originally Posted by tom22
discussions about Lord Byron back in the day but I heard you interviewed on NPR this
weekend: was surprised that you wouldn't publish a book under your own name and
was astonished that you write stuff for an Australian midget who made his fortune by
publishing pictures of topless women.
740 Park: the address has long gone. you are writing into the the wrong thread.
What prompted this reply?
June 27th, 2006, 22:09
Join Date: May 21st, 2005
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Posts: 477
Originally Posted by GreyFlannelMan
What prompted this reply?
I wondered that, too, and then I re-read his other posts on this thread.
Don't read it Ted, it's all about 'topless' women who live in the city.
Tell me more about your Athletic club.
I just watched <<Peyton Place>>. The underbelly of the "trad" lifestyle.
Great shot of Bean camp mocs right before the labor day speech though.
"Peyton Place" was certainly oppressive about the aspirational elements of the WASP class system then at its zenith. The clothing objects were fixed as objects of status desire.
Back in the early '60s there was an African-American street gang that operated on the streets of Chicago's South Side. Their name was the "Ivies" but they were not college-bound. Their clothes were all purchased at Brooks and included gray flannels, blue BD supima shirts, tennis sweaters, and cordovan shoes. Their rivals, the Gousters, had similar backgrounds but wore Continental clothes (Italian knits - think "Rat Pack"). The point is that Brooks doors were open to all, not just Choate preppies, and it cost $8.50 to buy a blue Supima shirt. The clothes themselves say less about the wearer than what we imagine.
I'm happy.
I knew they'd dig the new breed.
How great is this! I just found this thread and it is largely about me! All my life I have aspired to be called a cantankerous old drunk!
There's some classic tom, in here.
I demand a correction: Now that I am on a health kick, I think I should be referred to as a cantakerous middleaged drunk.
On the otherhand, my aspirations have long ago been satisfied, and I basically wear the same clothes as when I was teenager. Don't think Murdoch's servant could say the same.
manton's basic problem was a confusion about personal identity. I assume he was the child of immigrants. Nothing wrong with that. I am too. all of us are. But he seems to have so gone off on the accountraments of anglo-american style that he concluded: adopting that style was the key to acceptance in anglo-american society.
The truth is that world hardly exists anymore. And it isn't that hard to join. clothes won't get you there, though they will give you a slight boost. But the green light is always in the distance. The world Manton wanted hardly exists anymore. The kids and grand kids are nothing like the tiny preWWII generation. The world Manton longs for is already gone.
I have a very, very waspy friend, who when she is irritated with me tells me I'm a social climber. I tell her that mountain has sunk.
Sol Steinberg owned the Rockefeller Apartment until he lost a somewhat dubious fortune. Now that guy who threw the horrible party and used to be Pete Peterson's partner in Blackstone, i think moved in. Maybe the address isn't that great. Maybe you don't really want to know these people. They couldn't sell the apartments when the building was built. Pete Peterson I would like to meet. Not the other guy. Manton chases after a rainbow that will only lead to another Manton.