Im in the market place for a new bicycle after meeting a very eco concious lady- who I fancy giving a right royal seeing to.
I have taken a look around the interweb and there are two bicycle manufacturers that appeal to my whimsical eye.
I like the look of the good old fashioned cruising style -but is this appreciation of a bygone age and nostalgia leaving me open to igent accusations.
help sought and appreciated.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-10-02 16:32:32)
Something very Brideshead about a well dressed gent cycling along on a sit up and beg bicycle. I suspect it would work best in a market town or a university town. In my youth I had one like that which had I salvaged from a scrap yard. It weighed a ton and had brakes that could best be described as sketchy, going downhill was 'exciting' and required a clear path, going uphill was killing.
Realistically you are going to look a mess after you have been on the bicycle because of the wind, a 'sit up and beg' bicycle gives you the aerodynamic properties of a housebrick and the hairstyle of Boris Johnson. A fun image if you can pull it off without looking like an iGent though.