The entire thread is hilarious but Manton makes a false assertion to discredit FNB and gets unvieled as a fraud.
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2008-10-22 16:12:22)
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2008-10-22 18:04:17)
Gosh, I can't keep up with all the latest forum reading, I'm sure the fun factor I've been missing is pretty high. I'll try to catch up soon
Only to say that this is currently the only US clothing site with any credibility out there.
I know - I rule the Internet whenever Gomez is too busy to do the job.
Do please feel free to bitch, moan & whine about this fact, but everybody else is totally compromised and whored to the hilt. Only on FNB do you get anything straight. Other places have rare flashes of interest, but God are they rare.
The old regime are truly dead now. They get used by those with other ambitions as stepping stones, but beyond that they're over. They're just a series of self-important jokes.
Any connection with them, unles you can prove that you were taking the piss, will damn you now. Fact.
The 'Troll' position is really the only one to take on the Net. - It protects you from so much.
Life is like a day at the races. You back the wrong horses, you fuck up.
Manton, Harris, et al - Your race is run. And you now just drag down the sites connected with you.
Me? I've got a tenner on the FNB team!
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-10-23 01:02:43)
... I offered Manton the chance of a gig on "Ivy Style" you know - A chance to expand on what he's written so far on the old 'Tradly' subject (as you know he totally refutes that Harris made up a load of shit on the subject).
Still waiting for what he comes up with...
But I wait with great interest.
He's just getting more and more banal now. It's not even amusing anymore.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-10-27 06:00:34)
Go on fnb, finish the vile owl face cranky beast off.
Last edited by captainpreppy (2008-10-28 13:37:09)