Amazing, and Snoozer already mixing it up in other threads, spreading the inanity.
If he really is a sock puppet, which I have no doubt he is, the puppetmaster is sheer genius. Reading the old threads, particularly Jan's slobwear thread, reminded me of what a fantastic job he's done.
The good Cap'n is nothing but a clothing nazi, out trying to push his good taste on the world..
^ What a lovely compliment!
FNB, actually I rather enjoy Cruiser, he's so bloody awful. At the risk of being repetitive, he's the Man We Love To Hate. Such a individual provides a focus of unity to any group, hate being an incomparably stronger force than love (I believe). Cruiser unites the whole forum community in contempt and loathing of him.
Perhaps all the anti-fashion anti-matter will tip the balance, in the way that too much anti-matter usually does, and end the current scenario. It feels like change is in the offing, at least. I do hope the momentum sticks and something positive results.
This guy is either:
A) senile,
B) the absolute worst troll in the short history of the interwebz..
Last edited by John Rotten (2008-11-28 19:03:31)
^ Yeah, I couldn't figure out WTF he was alluding to either. The guy is cryptic and allusive to the point of incoherence and incomprehensibility.
Very symbolic of the new AAAC was the post of the guy boasting of his "Super Black-Friday Bargain" I took a look, thinking the guy was boasting of having picked up some Oxxford or Brioni garment for a song--something of that sort. I opened the thread and found the "Super Black-Friday Bargain" was a J.C. Penney "American Living" sport coat he got for $24. "Figures," I thought. I suppose, come to think it over, it was a good bargain--but, still, J.C. Penney!
I have sometimes mentioned before that there was one fellow at my prep school who was taunted horribly in part because his family bought a lot of his clothes at JCP. He later had a mental breakdown. Ironically, one of the cruelest of his tormentors was the only one who would visit him during his stay in the psycho ward. Perhaps he felt impelled by guilt.
There was relentless teasing over clothes at my prep school. It was not just limited to that one guy. We were a very clothes-conscious lot there. I gave and got quite a lot myself.
I might add that the fellow who was teased for his JCP clothing was natural victim in other respects. The JCP duds, by the way, were not purchased out of economic necessity. His father was a very successful physician.
How appropriate that Snoozer should have joined the chorus of approbation! I viewed the thread before he had made his debut there. Interesting fellow--he has frequently boasted of his "early retirement" and "six figure retirement income," yet, when the occasion demands, he is always serving on public commissions, working for the major and doing other things that will make him appear important.
It's also amazing, as I have remarked before, how completely unfazed he seems to be by the public pillorying he received in the "3-2" thread. If he is a real human being, he must be about as sensitive as a bulldozer!
It is like Muhamed Ali's 'Rope a Dope' policy.
Lie back and let your opponent hit you with their best shots.
In the end, they tire and you emerge victorious. In the AAAC example you may also pick up some sympathy if readers believe you are being ganged up on. Meanwhile damaging moderation is put on hold and/or reconsidered.
As FNB has said before, I do not see how the whole thing manages to upset so many.
Last edited by Dorian (2008-11-29 16:07:55)