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I think its good for those interested to see that real people get their clothes made. Wherever Ive worked co-workers have always asked me where I get my suits and shirts. Many of them have used Corvato. It just helps that someone who loves clothes but doesnt appear to ineffective in other departments models Corvato's suits. And people who never have their suits made dont think it unusual at all after asking me about it. Its one thing to have Letterman or someone older or unobtainably distant wear custom made suits, its another thing to see someone like me that you work with wearing it.
That's a little awkward but it expresses that giving some appraisal of tailoring may be partially a waste of effort but speaking about one's experiences is not.
I am interested in learning more about this Raphael fellow. Is he in New York? Googling around revealed a Raphael Schwartz but not a lot of details.
Someone posts several diverging views from the more established members. Another person chimes in, and his posts are deleted (and then restored) so that pagliacci can have at it. This is not the first time something like this happened, and it won't be the last, save it's just a little more upfront now. One of the reasons approaches to "rating" system don't work, I suppose, is for the very reason of a tyrant like. This is representative of several double-standards being displayed.
I think they have some moral people moderating too.
I dont know how much you can condemn people who delete disagreeable posts about them. If you arent equiped with the skills to defend yourself and have a poor self image, how could you take criticism as anything less than a personal attack?
They may be moderators but they are also human beings.
K lets drop it plz, I dont see this as major breaking news.
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