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#1 2006-07-14 16:19:00

Posts: 1330

AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

Dear Horace,

can you recommend for me, and outfit for a break dance competition? I don't feel comfortable busting a grove, inside my sack.I will be preforming Planet Rock by Afrika Bambataa and will attempt 1 headspin in the middle. Last time  , the jacket went over my head and I lost my concentration.


#2 2006-07-14 16:24:36

Marc Grayson
Posts: 8860

Re: AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

Last edited by Marc Grayson (2006-07-14 16:33:25)

"‘The sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inner tranquility which even religion is powerless to bestow." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not."  Oscar Wilde


#3 2006-07-14 16:33:41

Posts: 1330

Re: AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

Last edited by Vaclav (2006-07-14 16:35:18)


#4 2006-07-14 18:41:32

Posts: 568

Re: AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

How about this dance song.

He's just a stereotype
He drinks his age in pints
He (wears sack suits) everynight
But he doesnt really exist...


#5 2006-07-15 01:07:27

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#6 2006-07-16 04:57:05

Posts: 6433

Re: AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

These, tunes, they are, all good ones.

Dear Vaclav,

Thank you for posing your question.  I think there is much interest here in such a consideration of clothing fit for a specific task.  Allow me note that I think you were onto the right idea with the sack jacket, and moreover, you correctly noted that the skirt of the jacket has a tendency to flip over one's head, when one busted certain moves.

What I, and others, have found helpful is not to relegate the sack to the closet on such days.  After all, the sack is a jacket that allows one a certain flexibility.  That should be retained; instead, might I suggest you wear the jacket shorter -- somewhere in between a Mao jacket and a Mess jacket.  This will rid you of the problem of wayward vent and allow you to continue to have freedom of movement.  I, myself, like to lock and pop and facilitates this type of dance manouevre more so than any other cut.

Moreover, as you know, in Manhattan, many, starting in the late 70's started throwing down cardboard on the street -- in order to cushion their spins.  I happily note that such is not the case in Astoria.  Your people have retained a certain purist view.  You will bust in right on the asphalt and concrete.  To that end, might I suggest you look for some fabric that is durable?  Such as whipcord or cavalry twill?  For breakdancing (though less so poppin' and lockin') wreck havoc on the tropical weight worsteds.  Or at least such has been my exprience.

Thank you, and Be of Good Cheer,


""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#7 2006-07-16 13:57:16

Posts: 1330

Re: AHAT: Outfit for break dance competition?

Last edited by Vaclav (2006-07-16 14:17:47)


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