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#1 2008-12-16 03:24:07

Posts: 6433

O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


Uncle Russ and ol' Tony opined a while back on the Take Ivy forum that knowledge doesn't really "move forward"
on the net, but merely gets recycled.  Maybe "intellectual" progress (save distinct scientific progress)
is a myth.  I don't know.

A few chums on BBR were famous for taking posts from 6 months before and presenting them as their own.
Certainly we've seen the contents of posts get recycled that were once posted here.  Will (a rather egregious example)
and other bloggers, like that Dandy guy, for example. Other message boards have posters who do the same.  Maybe this
lax concern for proper attribution reflects a larger condition of the attitudes toward intellectual property in the 21st century.
Tony V's busting his ass as a scholar of the sartorial in the trenches of archives and some jumped up virtual valet presents the work
as his own.  To be sure, (and to extend the metaphor of scholarship) learned allusion isn't always a conscious effort, as a scholar like
the great Capt. Preppy will tell us.  Certain works become so ingrained in us, the way, say the King James Bible was ingrained in every English
poet from at least the 19thc century on. So, I don't know that Wordsworth was consciously saying, hey, I'll take this phrasing from the ol' King
James.  It was just writ large in his imagination.  To take another example, if I read the Encyclopedia BBR, I don't really know that Flusser was consciously
lifted wholesale, but the mark of that former work is saturated within the later.

The blog is interesting because it's really not a form of "conversation" like a forum, but more of an organ or mouthpiece for the blogger. 
To be sure, there are comments, but those can be moderated (or turned off all together) to an extent that one doesn't usually see on forums. 
Moreover, the nature of the blog makes  the "thread" less likely to cohere in a way that it does on a forum.  Comments are subjugated to the
original blog entry, whereas with a forum, the original post may be appropriated for the next guy's comments.  In effect, his post may in fact
be, in a very real sense, "precedent."

The New York Times or the Nation or some other publication of the sort had what I think was maybe the most insightful
article on blogs.  Unfortunately, I've misplaced it but when I read it, I thought of a few blogs in general.  In general,
the thrust of the article was brilliant and articulated in a way that I can't do justice to here.  In short, the writer noticed that the idea
of a particular kind of blog that takes an object, puts it into a blog with a minimum of content, isolates that object, and objectifies
the objectification.  It's sort of the on-line equivalent of those books on a single, mundane topic, like "salt," that became
popular in the 90's.  The article, in essence, was a critique of "cool hunting," though the twists and turns of the argument now
escape me.  Unfortunately.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#2 2008-12-16 05:07:41

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

I'm rather torn here because I like Will... He has such an avuncular face...


He has a blog to fill.

And that makes pickpockets out of most people it would seem.

Oh, the curse of all those Cyber-Fagins!

- Leeches on the forums who then parade their newly garnered knowledge and insights on their own little vanity blogs...

... I also love most of our 'Trad' bloggers too - And they are all 'Trads', btw - Not a one of them has moved forwards from that position even if they call their stuff 'TNSIL' or 'Ivy'.

A while back I said that my love of Will was that he shared my love of the Baracuta G9 & a nip of Calvados... The irony was too subtle for most to notice I think...

Auchincloss is another nice case study - I chatted about him to Cooly over here & suddenly 'Harris' 'discovers' him all by himself...

- And then now, after I've just posted a snap of the chap over here on FNB, Dunderland's Christian M. Chensvold suddenly has an Auchincloss item on his 'Ivy' blog's 'news' section for the first time...

There was no Auchincloss on here before me. Ditto GTH. Ditto that Boston Cracked Shoe look. Ditto... Ditto... Ditto... 

- And God forbid that Horace ever points out what has been stolen from him with never a word.

For fun here's three blogs by the same man. These are their 'About' pages. And what are they about? I primarily see a photo stage managed to suit the site and an appropriately tuned biog:

This is nice to read too:

Why doesn't he have a DIY or a Gardening blog as well? I long to see him tricked up like Wurzell Gummage...

I relished the day that that fake came my way. Harris had cleared off by then & I was just kicking my heels a bit... wink

So why not join in?

- Add your own blogging parasites here!

Best -


#3 2008-12-16 05:28:25

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

On this Net., one thing counts,
On your Blog, large amounts,
Well informed screeds don't grow on trees -
You gotta fuck a forum or two!


#4 2008-12-16 08:38:14

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#5 2008-12-19 01:14:06

Posts: 6433

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#6 2008-12-19 05:22:00

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#7 2008-12-19 14:36:37

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#8 2008-12-20 07:59:51

Posts: 568

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

Chumiest of Chums,

I must agree with me mates on the matter.

Tis not the blogging that bothers me,, but the bloviating and banal blogging business.  Allow me to break down.

Some may recall that I posted pessimistic on ol Russell’s threads in re Mr. Longwing’s links and (or is it,, curriculum?).  At least on an open fora such as this,, there exists a level of ‘peer review.’  Whilst we perchance are not splitting the ol atom here,, if someone is taking the piss, we can certainly let them know it here.

As ol Horace points out,, publishing ones unchecked views and 'strains' of thought is rarely rewarding to the reader.  Worse,, there appears to be a pervading perspective that that these literati must blog on a daily basis,, thus setting a course for banality, banditry, and bloviating.  And soooo,, we are left sifting thru reviews of electronics pieces,, rehashes of fora discussions, and all manner of whatnot.  Not the end of the world what.  A bit like an electronic Speakers’ Corner at ol Hyde Park, no?  If one does not like the speaker,, well then in the words of my ol chum, carry on ol sport. 

On the bothersome business of banditry,, I must admit I have mixed views..  I like to think that it was a private consult with ol Russ that lead to his epic Stop Thief thread.  For Tchauncey tho,, the distinction comes in how the borrowed ideas are treated.  Allow me to illustrate,, let us assume that a poster “H” mentions something in a memory of times gone bye.  Now let us say that another poster,, oh… lets just call him Stinky, now starts a new thread on that thought or item. Now our friend ol Stink could say, ‘someone recently mentioned…//or// I was recently reminded..”   But of course, our trad trickster generally cannot.  For mistaking the ol interweb with his prep school newspaper,, he feels compelled to publish this new concept,, and add hisself as the hero.

If a blogger is adding their own opinion, providing pictures of their kit, or adding to the virtual circle jerk,, then good on em.  If they are just bloviating,, then it becomes bothersome right quick.  .

Much like the mythical Wahoo bird that flies in ever decreasing concentric circles until it flies up its own asshole!

A caveat.  If a blogger has sooo far slipped the coil of reality that he starts giving lessons to the lessers,,,por ejemplo, oh lets just say some bloke were to start giving Intro to Wasp lectures,, then please do not slap them back to reality because it provides ol TChauncey far too much entertainment.  There should be a law that such naffs must allow uncensored comments tho.  And that is where I see ol FNBs site providing a public service.

Now,, I have bloviated enough.


Last edited by tripchauncey (2008-12-20 09:54:20)


#9 2008-12-20 09:53:58

Posts: 568

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#10 2008-12-20 11:23:34

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

Can I raise the thought that the forum is somehow more the man of ideas' medium than the blog?
The cut & thrust and the creative challenging that goes on.
It all depends on the forum of course and who is on it & how it is modded...

A blog is a monologue.

The distaste for the 'Ivy Style' site was that all contributions were reworked into the image of Chevsnold by Chevsnold and as nobody rated him on the subject of Ivy nobody would put up with it.

Other 'Trad' blogs give us endless quirky perspectives and somehow because they come from real enthusiasts, no matter how well informed they are or are not, we read them and enjoy their contributions to the larger debate. Hence the fact, surprising to some, that WASP 101 has more credibility than Ivy Style and that  The Squire is looked on with more affection than the opportunistic Chevsnold.

Personally I still look with fondness on 'The Curriculum' site's efforts - It's a bubble world & they know it & they are keeping it that way. Fedora to the hilt.
What I dislike is the dishonesty elsewhere from those who pose as knowing what they are talking about and only mislead the newbies & the easily lead. I personally found Manton's defence of 'Trad' disgraceful. No - I'll be honest - I found it delightfully disgusting. It showed him up wonderfully.

'Trad' has had endless chances to reform, revise and try to be something real. Instead all its best brains spend their time in justifying things which cannot be justified. To read Alden Pyle is to marvel at the waste of a brain.

And so as always Gomez wins. His objective was to make the iGents look ridiculous, mine was to open a door to lead those with a real interest into a much more interesting debate...
- And today with 'Trad' we still have much more to laugh at than to think about 4 years on.
... I'm inclined to blame the medium of the Net. as it is now & the sort of people it attracts personally. It only has itself to blame for its bad reputation out in the real world.

Such a waste!

But so entertaining... Just like Bedlam was to our forebears.  --

Best -



#11 2008-12-20 15:56:07

From: old trolls home
Posts: 500

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

Last edited by Gomez (2008-12-20 15:57:43)


#12 2008-12-21 03:08:27

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

^ Ahhhh - The 'Genital Hat'!

I note that due to the credit crunch these are on sale now at give-away prices and so with Christmas just around the Johnny-Horner (is that real slang or just something that Bill Mateson says?) I've bought up a lorry load for us to distribute around the Net. to those in need.

That's what Christianity means.

Your nominations please, Gentlemen: Who needs a little something extra in their lives so they can stop over-compensating on the Internet and lead a happy normal life?

The hats come in all styles, Fedoras included. Some even have 'drape' for those iGentiles amongst you.

Best -



#13 2008-12-21 07:39:13

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#14 2008-12-21 11:31:33

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

^ Very different times back in Sept.'06. ...

I'd say FNB was genuinely bored & Cooly thought my meanness was too mean.

The Great Seamless Shetland Scandal was to open more peoples' eyes to ol' 'Arry & over time FNB got a little more used to the sound of my voice. Daily. Without respite...

How nice to reopen that old thread again here!

Now - Genital Hats?


#15 2008-12-21 14:39:07

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#16 2008-12-22 01:43:34

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

We didn't even have 'Trad' blogs back then I don't think.

Back then it was fellow forum members nicking stuff off 'Orace back when he graced (our newly trolled into being) AAAT. Now it's the bloggers who have the sticky fingers.

The lighthearted malice of the 'G.hat' thread was to suggest that the posturing posters of the fora were trying to compensate for some lack in their lives with all their 'sainted' BS. For fun I thought I'd suggest that they were all hung like Hamsters, but more accurately they're probably compensating for crap jobs, crap lives, crap wardrobes.

... All of this makes me think about myself - An iGent in reverse. Why do I post here posing as a scumbag when I'm really such a terrific guy?

I guess I must feel guilty about my all round tip-top loveliness when so many are so yucky... wink

We all have our cross to bear.


#17 2008-12-22 02:04:57

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#18 2008-12-22 07:07:45

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#19 2008-12-22 09:54:24

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....


#20 2008-12-22 10:14:26

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#21 2008-12-22 10:38:33

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

^ My trolling turned crap when I started talking about clothes.

I was quite good up 'til then...


#22 2008-12-22 10:41:45

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

... I once got banned for telling people that for the smoothest **** shaving couldn't compare with using a cigarette lighter...


#23 2008-12-23 01:11:58

Posts: 6433

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#24 2008-12-23 01:13:01

Posts: 6433

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#25 2008-12-23 01:17:27

Posts: 6433

Re: O' Bloggery of Bloggeries, in the end all is....

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


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