Monty always did great eye-acting. All those little meaningful looks.
As time went by and his body couldn't keep up with him his eyes became more and more important.
'Suddenly, Last Summer', 1959 (I think), and Monty is in a bit of a daze, but his eyebrows have kicked in and his eyes are now doing it all.
He faulters and slouches, his movements are erratic, all of the usual criticisms of Monty hold true in this film; but his eye-work is fantastic. He seems to have distilled his acting right down into a whole vocabulary of just looking at people.
Later, as life got even harder, Monty would begin to lapse into shtick, but in 'Suddenly, Last Summer' I honestly get the sense that he's doing all he can, despite the fact that his body is closing down.
And the link to clothing here is that he wears some sort of slubby silk jacket in some scenes.
Make me happy - any other Monty fans out there?