Are the P.M's we use here safer than email?
Safer in what way?
In any case, I don't think they would be any less subject to hacking than regular e-mail..
The only safe way at Devil's Island is encrypted smoke signals. When unsure, ask FNB (he patented the system).
Does FNB still post here?
I think the PM system is safe but no email system is a 100% safe (ask Paris Hilton or Sarah Palin). For what it's worth the only way for an admin to read PMs would be to trawl through the raw database tables and neither of us is going to do that for a bit of light entertainment!
Thanks Jeeves.
Moy conscience is okay. My few messages I send are quite banal & boring.
Damn, I knew I should've kept my fetish for womens underwear to myself.... Hehehe!
ohh what Paggy would give to readd the Pmz here !