I don't believe this. Just buy some new ties...guys
And then, there's this
I think he just doesnt realize how bad dry cleaned ties look. Either that or they were cheap and lifeless to begin with.
Support the tie industry and buy some new ties. Donate the rest to the needy.
I certainly hope the OP is a troll. If not, then please spend some time curing yourself of your Asperger syndrome so you can lead a more fruitful life.
Thank god Nino Corvato isn't on the list...mayb because he doesnt do drape. Whatever the reason, it's a strong positive. I do like that one of the better tailors on the list is dead last. So perhaps this is one of those inverted lists?
Harrisons of Edinburgh carry both light and medium weight corduroys (I think 25oz is the heaviest.)
I can see why this would be a an anonymous request, it's very a very delicate matter
Is this an iGent?
In the same thread, he asks a member to take him to lunch.
FNB, I don't recall your Paypal solicitation for funds, did I miss it?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-01-12 23:03:40)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-01-13 10:01:22)