Hamilton is the last of the classically well-dressed Hollywood actors, and was recognized as such by the late, great George Frazier. He used to get his suits from the also late and great Dunhill Tailors (not to be confused with Alfred Dunhill) in New York.
I saw that interview the other day and remember being impressed with his shirt: the collar has that beautiful curve and his cuffs are nice and closely fitted: the kind of shirt that you would expect to find in Naples.
I asked an intermediary to try to find out who makes GH's clothes and GH responded...
Tell him there's a guy in LA named charles who has made my clothes for years and if he would make him a suit( and its expensive) it will be better than all the english and italian tailors I've ever gone to..his name is ..Charles and his number is 310 276 4488.. best to you gh
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Somebody in LA needs to call Charles and track this down!
Charles has the famous CRestview telephone prefix of Beverly Hills. Sort of like the RHinelander 744- of the upper east side of NY.
Just goes to show how some of the best tailors aren't necessarily the best-known.
Yes, George Hamilton looked great in that interview. You don't see that much on t.v anymore. Good thread!
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-01-15 11:57:16)
This is quite amazing information to find GH's tailor! He certainly does beautiful work. It's interesting that he trained in Austria rather than one of the traditional centers. I would have guessed that GH's tailor was on SR, actually.
Now you need to track down GH himself and have him join FNB for some real interesting conversations!
But you're right , GH puts it all together beautifully, regardless the tailor.