I spent some time playinp on SF and now I am back on this bord.
SF seems to be the worst clothes forum, meaning that most people on it don't have real taste or style, brain or culture and worst, no sense of humor or fantacy.
They are like social clones expecting politicaly correct comments only. They non stop make dumb jokes and "manouche" (my nick) associeted with "douche" was an endless source of jokes. How original, isn,'t it? The poor boys didn't know what "manouche" meant.
What is ridiculious is that after x months on SF, I have been banned just after I stoped posting and wrote a thread "what is the best clothes forum" in which I was telling that SF was the lamest clothes forum and that I was leaving.
This forum seems to be much more interesting but there is one strange thing : I don't understand so much what people say here, as if they were speaking a different English from on SF. Is it normal?
I know that AAAC is a bounch of weirdos too.
What is your opinion ?
Is this the best forum? Why?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-01-21 07:06:03)
Irreverence is the name of the game on FNB. Too many on the other fora invest too much of themselves in their internet personae, which is worrying...
Yep, some blokes have no life except trying to humour their online buddies with inane tripe that's not even funny. They need to stop trying so hard. Poor sods. Meow .
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-01-21 04:14:32)