The igent is the chap to the far left-leaning nonchalantly against the ships rails-wearing cricket whites and smoking a pipe-one knows cricket is not played upon an ocean going liner.
One should dress for the occasion in a db blazer and captains hat as the chap on the near left is-good show,that man-quite a rakish outfit imho.
Great screen capture. The iGents wish they had Bertie's relaxed, stylish nonchalance but as you say they really are just the buttoned-up, three piece suit at the beach type of people.
First picture was throwing softballs. Man in the middle, obviously. Second picture's a bit tougher. Bertie is obviously not the iGent. Yet, we are thrown the red herring of the man in morning dress. We know that iGents are obsessed with morning dress, but I think it is not telling in this photo. The appalling line of white scalp on the man on the left shows the utterly and detestably perfect hair part of the iGent.
Yes but is the chap wearing morning dress in the middle-in actual fact a doorman at some swanky New York hotel. " May I hail you a cab Mr. Wooster, Sir ? "
Talking of which -what ever happened to AAAC - Bertie Wooster?
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2009-01-22 20:51:04)
Actually, I have to retract my comment about the man on the left. On closer inspection, he seems to have an unbuttoned DB jacket. This ranks high in the iGent list of grave sartorial sins. An iGent he is not.
Hmm I would've thought it would be the Top hatted Duke because iGents are always peerage and love to remove gloves and hats and other etceteras.
Last edited by formby (2009-01-23 15:58:10)
Only one igent out of all those pics. lt's the bloke showing some cuff.
Last edited by Russell_Street (2009-01-27 09:48:21)