And this one remains The Anthem. We like Miles & Trane. But this one is for Saturdays:
It's ironic. Obviously. We do it 'round Arlington Street.
- Because we can.
Professional cockneys. Dontcha just luv 'em ?
This is a part of where it all comes from:
... And that the 'Lambeth Walk' in our time was about the (then) Archbishop of Canterbury (who's HQ is Lambeth Palace) being a closet queen.
It was one of those smiling punches in the face that we do over here.
taken from ASW,
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Let the people speak you freeloader
Wot's AWS?
And anyway I'm a person, I can speak.
Funny thinking about the Lambeth Walk.. It was very big back in the day (Me & My Girl), but it sometimes had this subtext.
Class war for my wife (& Class War was big back then too), and then for others it was a nice piss-take against other things.
I bet very few Yanks would know any of this but for these posts.
Betcha don't know what this one means either -
At Christmas both of my sisters laughed at my sheepskin coat. One said 'Arthur Daley'.
I had to remind her that Arthur was a camelhair coat man. Del Boy was the sheepskin man.
Arthur was always presentable but slightly wide boy. Kenneth Clark wears suede shoes with his suits and smokes cigars though.
Arthur does have definite igent aspirations; but he is more of a chancer. More inclined to ducking and diving. More at ease with the working class from whence he came.
Having read through the whole glorious thread, and having read through Bown's amusing corpus when his site was first brought to the attention of the Cognos, way back, I 'ave to confess, I like him. Sure, he's got his gig, but he ain't trying to flog anything. He's kind of a Rudie about town -- getting 'is suits, brollies, sock suspenders, and whatnot. No advising the gentl'men about prop'r comportment, drawing up a color charts for 'em, offering commercial services. What the 'ell. Based strictly on his internet persona, Bown seems like good people to me. 'es 'armless. Like the equivalent of the amusing friend who knows how to get a few good drinks from the chums at the pub, (er, club...).
Croozer strikes again with his famous cost benefit analysis on behalf of the fora denizens..
Cashmere? Fuck it, acrylic is cheaper:
Some most excellent trolling in evidence here:
The 487th thread on the best place to find Park Avenues at that most cherished of iGentry price points; *deep discount*
No worries, just wear those Bostonians with the holey soles and plastic uppers for another 4 years; you are bound to come across Park Avenues at less than the $295 you found them for at Hell, write them an e-mail and offer to review them on a thread at AKAC, they're bound to see the value in that transaction.
will's going to london to pick up some shwag. will you be meeting des for a spot of tea. Make sure you declare all spoils with customs.
A quote from Dr Bresch, "I love my tailor. He has charged me widely varying prices for various tasks that due to my ignorance, I incorrectly valued. But he is my tailor and I trust him. Plus, I WANT him to be financially successful because I want his shop to be around for a long, long time. I do not understand this haggling over small amounts of money."
Is this the one in Hungary, the one in Philly or the one god knows where. I love you doc but you are the the king of haggling