^do you think we can also sneak the button boot in under the radar as well old bean...?
I think there is someone in the states who knows what a drape suit is. His name is Alan Flusser and he tries to keep the look alive here in America. Say what you will, his books are a tremendous resource. And as far as I can understand the subject, he can sell you a suit in the true drape manner. Possibly better than Scholte. He had an RTW line in the early 1990s that I, and a lot of people who saw me in the suits, thought was very elegant and a good bit of 30s Hollywood, which I think is the look to which Flusser aspires.
But I think if you want to know about drape you should talk to Mr. Flusser.
Last edited by tom22 (2008-07-01 20:23:35)
Last edited by Sator (2009-02-13 02:03:09)