I have dreamt sometimes that someone stole some of my cufflinks or that I lost a scarf or that I damaged some clothes
Generaly I wake up davasted but rapidly realize that it was a dream and I am relieved to know that all my marvels are OK.
And you ?
I dream of electric sheep ...
Last night I dreamt about my gray over coat with black and red checks. I put some red nail polish on it on purpose but I put too much so I wanted to remove it but by reomoving the polish, I was removing the checks. It was terrible. I even think that the coat was the coat of my former best friend who left me for a dumb & dull & phobic accountant!
I used to dream about clothing, however, these days, I dream about a return to DOW 14,000.
I had a dream that me and my family, including my grandparents, were wearing clothing from the '50s or earlier. My grandfather was wearing a brown tweed three piece, which makes sense because they live in the country. (He probably hasn't worn a three piece in decades.) Every other male was wearing some sort of period suit including double breasteds and single breasted with peaked lapels. The women were in cocktail dresses or stereotypical "'50s housewife" attire.
In real life, it'd be a cold day in hell before I could get any of them to wear a tie, much less a suit, unless they had to.
Last edited by Jovan (2009-02-15 21:25:03)
I don't really remember my dreams at all but I remember this one from last night. I and my tribe were being pursued in the darkness by a large army of zombies or vampires; they looked a lot like those hood and robe wearing guys on the bridge in the new Gatorade-Holy Grail commercial. They couldn't use normal horses so they had bit and infected real horses to become zombie horses. Their leader was well spoken and might have attended a good school.
My tribe and I were at one end of a valley bisected by a huge forest.
Anyway, the zombies thought they'd trapped us and were about to pounce. I sent my lieutenant on a long round about to their rear with the main mounted force while a small party of us went to meet the zombies on the other side of the forest; the forest concealed the remainder of my tribe making the flanking maneuver. Everything hinged on this flanking force making the long march to the zombie army's rear in the nick of time. It was so real and disturbing that I woke up and got some perrier.
Somehow I think this is related to the forums. Worst part was my tribe were dressed like Huns or something.
i don't dream of clobber except sometimes i have nightmares about my mrs nagging on me buying too much clobber or shoes!
i DO have constant dreams about visiting the u.s. via a time machine to the 70's to find warehouses full of rare soul records though. worrying, no, sir, not crazy, me!