Just in case some wacko is waiting for in a tree armed with a scoped deer rifle:
Although, you apparently need a 32 fold version:
I recall a suit constructed of KEVLAR with a claimed effectiveness up to 9MM parabellum.
Another accessory are kevlar gloves sold in many hardware stores to guard against cutting wounds.
Wardrobe weaponry has spanned sword and small caliber canes, german belt buckles, KGB poison tipped brolleys and the bowler hat of Bond foe oddjob.
Personally, I follow the wisdom of a packer when I worked a summer camp in the Sierras.' Are you heeled?'
I had no recent injuries, so I lifted my rding boots to show undershot 2 1/2" stacks. 'No,No, one of these, pulling a '95 Winchester carine in .30 US'
I produced my Krag carbine and won an approving nod.
Last edited by Chris Kavanaugh (2009-03-11 22:07:27)
I suppose the problem with the bullet-proof pocket square is that it doesn't cover the heart. As I recall, it takes Class IV body armor to stop a bullet from a typical deer rifle. The Class IIA commonly worn by the cops probably wouldn't. However, my knowledge on these topics is somewhat dated.
Kav, it seems positively uncanny how many of your pals seem to favor offbeat, vintage, classic firearms. I think of your friend the sea-captain who quelled a mutiny with a K-32 Masterpiece. It probably says something very positive about your choice of friends.
Churchill's foes at Omdurman might disagree, but like Obi Wa Kenobi told Luke " It's your father's
light sabre, a weapon from a more elegant age."
^ You two are getting scary...
SORRY!- Slips a lanyard line over formby's head and presses a Webley-Fosbury semi automatic revolver with 6 manstopper rounds into his hand, noticing the nice gloves.
The Webley-Fosbury is an interesting and quite pleasant gun to shoot. It's really like nothing else, which is unsurprising considering its design is like nothing else!
The old High Standard Derringer was perfect. You had to replace the plastic firing pin bushing with bronze first and foremost.Then remove the grips and make a faux wallet/passport case with trigger cuttout and hold it together with deeper screws in the now gripless frame.
Maybe get you some russian calfskin aging in the water?
Last edited by Chris Kavanaugh (2009-03-12 20:02:42)
I was very underwhelmed by the one High Standard Derringer I ever shot. The trigger pull was horrendous, and as I recall, it keyholed its bullets.
David, It's a very famous case and not that long ago.
I believe it was a bulgarian or russian dissident who felt a prick in his ankle
and saw a man with an umbrella quickly walking off.
He died several days later of some obscure poison.
But I fear Jan And I may be ill thought as to earnest in this subject.
I return to the man who shares my birthday and ponder tieing my tie just so correctly.
" when pocketsquares are outlawed, only gentlemen ( armed ) will have pocketsquares.
I'll 'pry the cold dead hand' off mine from whoever thinks to seize it.
It's in the Constitution somewhere.
Last edited by Chris Kavanaugh (2009-03-13 21:28:42)