Enough of the IGENTS, lets talk clothes.
I am being gifted with a 6 fold tie. I am excited, my ties have always been 3 fold lined, and I
am happy with them and a four in hand knot. Still, one should try a different whiskey once in a
while, no?
So, I thought To ask thoughts on the different constructions; why you prefer x vs y or if a knot
or particular material lends itself to one method.
I actually don't know how my ties are constructed, and I am sure that they are not all the same since there is quite a range of "heft" or bulk to them. Certainly I never bought one based upon its construction, and no salesman ever mentioned it. I suppose there must be some way of telling by looking at them?
How hard can it be to make a tie?
Oh, no less difficult than the crankshaft of a merlin engine. Anyone know the history of that famed engine?
There are tiemakers with the same approach and care.
I want to approach them with the same knowledge.